Our case studies illustrate the power and scope of Thermo Scientific's products and services. Read more about how Thermo Scientific products were used to solve biobanking challenges or meet the specific storage needs of our customers.

Quality assured

Reliable biobanking for medical research across South Aftrica

Sara Lighfoot


While serving 80% of the population and connected to laboratories in hospitals across the country, an efficient staff of eight at the NHLS Biobank shoulders a big responsibility. The team takes in biospecimens from these laboratories and sends out requested specimens to hospital-based researchers, other government institutions, and private entities.

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Is this Europe's most modern biobank?

Breaking ground in personalized medicine and oncology research in Hungary

Internationally ranked, the University of Szeged is one of Hungary’s leading research institutions with a long history of pioneering scientific achievements. The medical school is named for Nobel laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi, recognized for his discovery of Vitamin C. For generations, the university’s scholars have been focused on collecting and storing biological samples for educational purposes, as well as for clinical, biomedical, and physiological research.

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