
Best-in-class workflows

Get an overview of how our sample collection, preparation and automation equipment, cold storage, wireless monitoring, consumables, reagents and biobanking services give you the power to secure and preserve your samples, track your inventory, streamline productivity and meet your toughest laboratory challenges.

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SampleManager LIMS Software

SampleManager LIMS, SDMS, ELN and LES Software manages your lab, data and procedural workflows, connecting enterprise systems, instruments, equipment and your customers to increase compliance and productivity.

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Learn best practices with the biobanking how-to guide

The lifesaving and life-changing discoveries made possible by biobanking can't come fast enough. Learn best practices for preserving samples, tracking inventory and streamlining productivity. Plus, learn how to easily share information and insights that have potention to advance science.

Download Biobanking Best Practices e-book ›

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Style Sheet for Global Design System