We offer a wide array of simple and easy to use genetic analysis assays to meet the unique demands of translational and clinical research. Unless otherwise noted, all testing reagents are for research use only and not for use in human or animal diagnostics or therapeutics.

TaqMan Assays: probe and primer sets for real-time PCR

Scientist with test tubes.

TaqMan® Assays are predesigned probe and primer sets for real-time PCR that are supplied ready-to-use and are designed to use universal thermal cycling conditions (so any combination of assays can be run simultaneously). TaqMan® Assays are considered the gold standard technology for quantitative gene expression analysis, and are also widely used for analysis of genomic DNA. Individual TaqMan® Assays are available in individual tubes, or preplated formats:

  • TaqMan® Array Plates: 96-well or 384-well plates can be run on any real-time PCR instrument that accommodates these plate sizes. Standard or fast-cycling plate formats are available
  • TaqMan® Array Cards: 384-well microfluidic cards that can be loaded using a single or multichannel pipettor and run on the ViiA™ 7 or 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR Systems
  • OpenArray® plates: many assays are also available on 3,072-reaction OpenArray® plates that are run on the QuantStudio™ 12K Flex
  • Lyophilized TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays with Master Mix: TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays with Master Mix lyophilized—just add sample and go

TaqMan Gene Expression Assays

A truly comprehensive set of predesigned real-time PCR assays available (>210,000 assays for human gene transcripts)—all designed using our validated bioinformatics pipeline. Excellent specificity, high sensitivity, and large dynamic range with a choice of FAM™ or VIC® dye labels.

TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays

TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assays provide fast, accurate genotyping data and one of the simplest workflows available. There are 4.5 million predesigned human SNP assays available, with 160,000 validated (with over 70,000 coding region assays) and many specific assays for research involving cancer and genetic disease targets.

TaqMan Drug Metabolism Genotyping Assays

More than 2,700 unique assays to detect polymorphisms in 221 genes that code for drug metabolism enzymes (DMEs) and drug transporters shown to significantly impact drug efficacy and toxicity.

TaqMan Fusion Transcript Assays

Designed across the breakpoints of translocated fusion transcripts, these TaqMan® Assays are targeted to cancer-related markers.

TaqMan Copy Number Assays

Rapid, simple analysis of copy number variations (CNVs) in human genomes. Get results in only 3–4 hours using the simplest workflows among currently available CNV analysis methods.

TaqMan Mutation Detection Assays

TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays are designed to detect and measure specific DNA mutations against a background of wild type genomic DNA (gDNA). These assays are powered by competitive allele-specific TaqMan® PCR technology, known as castPCR™, which is highly specific and can detect mutations present at less than 0.1% in gDNA samples from human cancer cells. Detect and quantitate key mutations in targets including KRAS, BRAF, and EGFR genes, using assays from our expanding portfolio.

TaqMan PreAmp Pools & PreAmp Master Mix

Preamplify small amounts of cDNA without introducing amplification bias to stretch your precious sample into many more real-time PCR reactions. TaqMan® PreAmp Pools can be constructed from individual TaqMan® Assays or purchased as a preconfigured pool in conjunction with a TaqMan® Array Card.

TaqMan Protein Assays

Quantitate protein expression using either predesigned TaqMan® Protein Assays for pluripotency markers or assays that you build from your own antibodies using the TaqMan® Protein Assays Open Kit. Either way, these assays use 10–500 times less sample input than traditional protein analysis methods (5–500 cells, or tissue lysate containing 1–100 ng total protein) and provide sensitive quantitative data in less than 4 hours.

TaqMan MicroRNA Assays

Quantitative microRNA analysis with state-of-the-art TaqMan® Assay performance, these assays are also available on 384-well TaqMan® Array Cards for profiling all microRNAs in the miRBase database.

Reagents for real-time PCR (qPCR)

Our approach to real-time PCR utilizes standardized master mixes, which contain everything required for a successful PCR reaction except your sample and target-specific probe/PCR primer set. Since PCR requires a DNA template, RNA samples must first undergo reverse transcription to produce cDNA that can be used in real-time PCR. We have developed master mixes and reagents for more than 15 years to meet nearly every requirement.

RNA samples

One-Step SuperScript® qRT-PCR Universal Kits
Designed for sensitive, convenient, and contamination-free qPCR assays.

AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Reagents
Designed for sensitive, robust amplification of RNA targets using a rapid single-tube real-time RT-PCR strategy, giving results typically in 1 hour.

TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG (Applied Biosystems®)
TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG, is designed for robust and reproducible one-step pathogen detection and gene expression workflows. The single-tube 4X formulation contains thermostable MMLV reverse transcriptase, dNTPs, UNG, ROX™ dye, and thermostable Fast DNA polymerase.

DNA samples

TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix
Highest-performing master mix for multiple real-time PCR applications, including microRNA and fast gene expression analysis.

TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG (Applied Biosystems®)
TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix, CG, provides the performance benefits of TaqMan® Fast Advanced Master Mix. Additionally, this is a General Purpose Reagent and all lots are functionally tested to help ensure lot-to-lot reproducibility for Ct consistency and dynamic range across a wide variety of assays. With stringent quality and premier performance, TaqPath™ qPCR Master Mix is a superior choice for your diagnostic testing or development needs.

DNA & RNA samples

TaqMan® Fast Virus 1-Step Master Mix
A single-tube format for both RNA and DNA viruses; high-sensitivity real-time RT-PCR even in the presence of common reaction inhibitors.

Next-gen semiconductor sequencing

Ion AmpliSeq™ technology delivers simple and fast library construction for affordable targeted sequencing of specific human genes or genomic regions. Based on ultrahigh high-multiplex PCR, Ion AmpliSeq™ technology requires as little as 10 ng of input DNA to target sets of genes, making sequencing of FFPE samples routine on Ion PGM™ Systems.

Choose among a wide variety of Ion AmpliSeq™ Panels to transform your research:

  • Ion AmpliSeq™ Ready-to-Use Panels:The convenient pre-designed Ion AmpliSeq™ Ready-to-Use Panels offer extensive gene coverage for cancer and inherited diseases and allow researchers to focus on data generation and analysis, not on the labor-intensive primer design and target selection steps.
  • Ion AmpliSeq™ Custom Panels:For maximum flexibility, simply select a subset of the targets and enter your specific genomic content online using Ion AmpliSeq™ Designer and we will design and create customized Ion AmpliSeq™ Panels just for you.
  • Ion AmpliSeq™ Community Panels:Designed with leading disease researchers, Ion AmpliSeq™ Community Panels provide the ability to selectively analyze gene content as well as the possibility to customize any pre-designed community panel to meet your specific research needs.

BigDye® kits for cycle sequencing

Big Dye Video

The industry-leading, easy-to-use cycle sequencing workflow features robust chemistry for highly reproducible data and innovative reagents that enable streamlined protocols and longer, higher-quality sequencing reads.

Endpoint PCR

AmpliTaq Gold® 360 products
AmpliTaq Gold® 360 Master Mix and DNA polymerase for standard and hot-start PCR are optimized for sequencing applications. They enable you to amplify a wide range of targets with specificity, reproducibility, and yield. These products are shipped at ambient temperature to reduce environmental impact.

General Purpose Reagents (GPRs)

With uncompromising quality and superior performance, TaqPath™ master mixes and Sanger sequencing reagents and instrument consumables are designed to deliver confidence and performance for even your most demanding applications. Combining decades of technology leadership in real-time PCR (qPCR) and Sanger sequencing, we are committed to providing clinical laboratories with the most trusted, versatile, and innovative tools for clinical research and diagnostic development.

Learn more about our GPR reagents