
The power of knowing

An accurate allergy diagnosis enables better management, treatment and

Making a difference

We develop, manufacture and distribute innovative blood test systems to aid in the diagnosis and disease management of allergies and autoimmune disorders.

As the world leader in in vitro allergy diagnostics, we offer tests to accurately measure specific IgE antibody blood levels, as well as other important allergy markers. Thermo Scientific™ ImmunoCAP™ lab tests are some of the most important tools for understanding allergy, helping clinicians make sense of symptoms such as rhinitis, eczema, wheezing, and asthma.

EliA blood tests for efficient autoimmunity testing are tools that can have a major impact on a physician’s diagnostic decision, thereby making a difference in patient care. We use advanced techniques such as recombinant gene technology to develop the latest in standardized, reliable, and high-quality blood tests for the detection of disease-specific autoantibodies.

Allergy and autoimmune disease diagnostics categories

If you suspect allergy to be the cause of a child’s or an adult’s symptoms, the first step is to make an adequate diagnosis, based on detailed case history, clinical observation and testing for specific antibodies.

These test results help to confirm a suspicion of allergy, and to determine the offending allergens, or to rule out allergy all together.


Tests for the detection of antinuclear antibodies in serum or plasma as an aid in the diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus.

Featured resources

Is it allergy?

Stomach pain, sneezing, sniffles, wheezing, diarrhea, coughing, itching, eczema—allergy may be the cause!

Visit our Is It Allergy website and take a step closer to finding the potential cause of your child's symptoms and find out how to improve your child's health.

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Learn more about allergy symptoms

A person may experience quite common everyday symptoms that in fact are caused by allergy. Even more serious conditions such as asthma attacks may also have an underlying allergic trigger. Here you can learn about a number of typical symptoms that often are a sign of allergy.

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