
Duration: 59 min

FIB TEM sample preparation without gallium

Novel materials development often requires structural analysis at the nanometer scale. For scientists and engineers working in this field, obtaining the right data can be challenging when using conventional analytical instrumentation. Preparing high-quality samples for TEM characterization is time consuming and requires a high level of expertise to prevent sample damage.

Focused ion beam (FIB) has been widely used in materials science for site-specific sample preparation. Different types of ions—argon, gallium, xenon, oxygen, and nitrogen—have unique characteristics for various applications as well as their own challenges and benefits. The latest innovations in multiple ion species plasma FIB technology enable consistent, artifact-free results.

In this webinar, we discuss the mechanisms of ion-material interaction to help you come as close to a damage-free sample as possible.

What you will learn in this webinar

  • How to prepare samples with minimal damage
  • Why ion range and target material atom displacements are important for making a high-quality TEM sample
  • Which ion species causes the least damage in TEM sample preparation

If you are not able to watch the entire webinar or only need to reference a specific question, we have compiled a selection of questions answered by Dr. Chengge Jiao during the webinar.

Watch Q&A ›

Speaker Biography

Chengge Jiao
Staff Scientist, Applications Development, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Eindhoven, NL

Chengge joined Thermo Fisher as a FIB application engineer about 20 years ago after holding a post-doctoral researcher position at the University of Bristol, UK, where he worked on electron holography of GaN materials by a cold-FEG TEM. His current interest is applying multi-ion species (Xe+, O+, Ar+, N+) plasma focused ion beam (MIS-PFIB) and FIB-SIMS for material science applications. Chengge received his PhD in materials science from the University of Birmingham, UK, on an investigation of dislocation microstructures in MoSi2 intermetallic by TEM. He has authored or co-authored over 50 publications including in Physical Review Letters (PRL), Nature Materials, and Acta Materialia.

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