Was there a specific question you had but forgot to ask during the Q&A session of the live presentation? Or maybe you missed the webinar entirely but still want to improve your transmission electron microscopy sample preparation?

Luckily, we have compiled the questions and answers asked during the webinar and timestamped where Dr. Chengge Jiao answers them below.

More about the speaker:

Chengge Jiao
Staff Scientist, Applications Development

Chengge Jiao is a staff scientist for application development in Thermo Fisher Scientific in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. He joined the company in the UK as a FIB application engineer about 20 years ago after a post-doctoral researcher position in the school of physics, university Bristol, UK, where he worked on electron holography of GaN materials by a cold-FEG TEM. He is an experienced electron microscopist with knowledge of materials science. His current interest is to apply multi-ions species (Xe+, O+, Ar+, N+) plasma focused ion beam (MIS-PFIB) and FIB-SIMS for materials science applications. Jiao received his PhD in materials science from the University of Birmingham, UK, on an investigation of dislocation microstructures in MoSi2 intermetallic by TEM. He has authored or co-authored over 50 publications including Physical Review Letters (PRL), Nature Materials, and Acta Materialia.

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