
Speed time to market and reaction to an ever changing market demand

Because data is generated across the entire operation, from exploration to extraction to refining, disparate and non-integrated data sources can lead to loss of efficiency, missed opportunities and potentially lost revenue. An enterprise-level Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is an essential software solution enabling the laboratory to receive data from remote operational sites, centralize data across all lab instruments, and connect the lab with other enterprise systems upstream and downstream. A LIMS manages workflow and SOPs and can enable compliance with regulatory or industry requirements such as ISO 17025. With good data, management can have confidence in their daily operations, and customers will have confidence they are receiving quality product that meets the required specifications.

When Should You Use WDXRF Analysis in Mining?

When it comes to off-site lab analysis, Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF) instruments are employed in geology laboratories to evaluate materials and products with wide elemental coverage, wide concentration ranges and varied samples matrices.