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The filter Exchange Process consists of several steps and each step must satisfy sensor detected positions prior to proceeding to the next step. Failure to meet the requirements results in a Shuttle Error ‘X’

Satisfying sensor detected positions is referred to as “initial conditions”.

Initial Conditions:

  • Lift should read UP
  • Push should read DN (Down)
  • Shuttle should read RET (Return)

When a status condition ‘X’ for shuttle is present, the first action taken should be to go to the status code screen via the main menu to view the error message. Do not use Shortcut Key ‘STAT.

Place the cursor in front of the shuttle error message and press enter to reveal further necessary details regarding the specific issue. The next action taken is to enter the service mode. Once the service mode has been toggled on, go to the Service Menu From the Service menu select "Manual Motions". In the manual motions screen check the current status for:

  • Lift
  • Push
  • Shuttle

In this example below, the Push Down sensor is not registering the correct position.

This would direct your attention to the push down function of the shuttle exchange mechanism to find the root cause of the sensor failure.



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