Scientist using pipette

Have you ever tried pipetting a viscous solution, only to find that your pipette could not accurately draw up?  If you are working with challenging samples or samples that can be damaged by pipetting, you should consider using wide-bore pipette tips


Wide bore pipette tips

Wide-bore pipette tips are equipped with a distal end orifice that is nearly 70% larger than that of a standard pipette tip. These tips provide the flexibility required for handling difficult-to-pipette samples such as food derived samples.

Thermo Scientific ART Wide Bore Pipette Tips seal when exposed to potential contaminants, trapping them inside the barrier. They are especially useful for the following applications:

Viscous samples

For those working with viscous solutions, the wider opening allows thicker, more viscous liquids to pass through by lowering the pressure needed for movement through the orifice and into the shaft of the tip. 

Particulate samples

Using a wide-bore pipette tip for samples that have particles (e.g., environmental/food-derived samples, beads, etc.) can prevent blockage in the distal end of the tip during pipetting. By using a wide bore tip, the user can save time, repeat pipetting, and prevent contamination of sample or pipette shaft.

Genomic DNA (gDNA)

When considering a protocol that will include the transfer of gDNA, a wide bore pipette tip will keep the gDNA more intact and reduce the chance of it shearing during pipetting.

Cellular materials

When working with fragile cellular samples such as macrophages, hybridomas, or hepatocytes, cellular damage is a big concern. Using a pipette tip that will not damage cells passing through the distal end should be considered in order to protect the cells during transfer.

Additional considerations when using wide bore tips

It is always important to check the performance of your pipette and tips prior to use so that any adjustments can be made to obtain the best accuracy and precision. Also, there are different pipetting techniques that can be performed to better handle difficult-to-pipette samples.

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