Molecular Microbial Detection and Quantification

Access maximum speed and accuracy with real-time PCR

Tackle some of your toughest challenges in the detection and quantification of pathogen, animal health, quality indicator, and authenticity targets with market-leading real-time PCR technologies. A broad set of solutions can be tailored to your operation’s needs, from a simple, complete rapid pathogen detection system to the components to build bespoke solutions for your unique requirements.

Microbial detection & quantification product categories

Quickly and easily detect the top foodborne pathogens in a broad range of food and environmental samples with Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ Real-Time PCR System using the Thermo Scientific™ SureTect™ PikoReal™ Real-Time PCR instrument.

Detect DNA and RNA targets in food, environmental, and other samples with high levels of inhibitors, with a robust portfolio of effective master mixes optimized for in-house assay development.

Prepare even the most challenging food samples with options to pool, clean, purify, concentrate, and automate your sample preparation for molecular detection and other techniques.

Access innovative bespoke assay design, sequencing and bioinformatics expertise with comprehensive global support that deliver customized food safety solutions.

A range of real-time PCR solutions for analysis of food samples for pathogens, other bacteria, and viruses, as well as tests for animal species identification and detection and quantification of GMO-specific DNA sequences. Each test is designed to be run on the market-leading Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR System.

Power up your Salmonella screening
Power up your Salmonella screening: three targets, one rapid PCR test

The new Thermo Scientific™ RapidFinder™ Salmonella Multiplex Assay has a simple workflow for simultaneous detection of Salmonella species, Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis in poultry, pork and production environment samples, giving you rapid, actionable answers for quick product release or intervention. 

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PathoProof™ Mastitis Complete-16 Kits
PCR testing for mastitis-causing bacteria in dairy herds

Detect the microorganisms responsible for 95% of all clinical and subclinical mastitis cases worldwide in less than four hours with no bacterial culturing required with Thermo Scientific™ PathoProof™ qPCR assay kits.

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