Ceramics Glass Analysis

Materials to beat the heat, time & weather

Ceramics and glass are inorganic, non-metallic materials. They create a unique, analytical challenge due to their various material structures: ordered crystalline or a more random non-crystalline (glassy) structure.

The simplest form of glass is the single component fused silica (SiO2); but it is costly and difficult to process. As a result, most glasses are made with a core component of SiO2, some form of soda as a flux, lime as a stabilizer, and other oxides that impart specific properties on the glass such as color and hardness.

Materials scientists manipulate these components to create glasses that are stronger, highly resistant to atmospheric conditions, more effective at controlling radiative heat flow, and capable of developing further applications. XPS, XRF and XRD are very useful techniques in this area of study.

See how we recommend analyzing ceramics and glass in various scenarios with these resources and product information.

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