TruTools Chemometric Software for the TruScan RM Handheld Raman Analyzer

Thermo Scientific TruTools is an add-on chemometrics software package that runs on the TruScan RM Handheld Raman Analyzer. TruTools provides a platform to implement customized chemometric models including PCA, PLS-DA, PCR and PLS algorithms onboard the handheld device. This solution allows method developers to implement advanced preprocessing of spectra, identification of qualitative differences between samples, and facilitate quantitative sample determination.

The TruScan RM analyzer provides robust non-contact and non-destructive scanning, quick material identity testing in the manufacturing plant at any stage of production and is designed to meet stringent good manufacturing practices (GMP) and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance requirements.

TruScan RM’s standard multivariate residual analysis decision engine can qualitatively identify most pharmaceutical materials directly. In some instances, sample complexity—highly similar chemicals, materials with purposeful variation in physical properties, and formulations with nearly similar component concentrations—yields highly overlapping spectra. For these materials TruTools can provide a greater signal-to-noise ratio to enhance qualitative and quantitative spectroscopic measurements.

Using TruScan RM with TruTools, a method developer can customize the acquisition parameters for laser power, detector exposure time, and number of spectral coadditions just like a benchtop instrument. TruScan RM automatically outputs standardized SPC files which can be directly imported into the Eigenvector Research, Inc. SOLO chemometric software package.

Data Preprocessing and Model Development

Within SOLO a method developer can:

  • Designate the spectral ranges of interest
  • Define common preprocessing of spectral data
  • Choose an appropriate chemometric algorithm – qualitative or quantitative
  • Process data to develop a working model
  • Statistically validate the model with additional validation samples

TruScan RM with TruTools Workflow

The PCA, PLS-DA, PCR or PLS model is exported as an XML script using the Eigenvector Research, Inc. Model Exporter package. The resultant file is then embedded within a TruScan RM TruTools method as the instructions for data collection and analysis. The custom method is deployed in nearly identical fashion as a standard method on the analyzer.

In operation, TruTools methods are selected through standard TruScan RM menus without requiring chemometric or method development expertise by the end user. The custom TruTools method will then produce qualitative or quantitative results on board the TruScan RM. The ability to rapidly synchronize the data into standard reports is completely consistent with the standard TruScan RM workflow.

TruTools Workflow
TruTools Workflow Labels

TruScan RM with TruTools allows customized acquisition parameters and exports SPC files via SyncServer.

With Eigenvector Solo:

  • Import SPC data
  • Define spectral range
  • Preprocess data
  • Choose algorithm
  • Validate models
  • Process data to generate custom models for use on TruScan RM

Using Eigenvector's Model_Exporter, models are exported to TruScan RM.

TruScan RM with TruTools embedded math engine runs customized models including PCA, PLS, PLSDA, and PCR. For daily operators, TruTools methods are selected through standard TruScan RM menus without requiring chemometric or method development expertise.

TruTools expands TruScan RM material identification. TruScan RM with TruTools allows control of the verification algorithm and acquisition parameters to target specific materials of interest. Analyses can be tailored for challenging incoming raw materials such as:

  • Those which vary in molecular weight distribution
    • polysorbates
    • polyethylene glycols
    • poloxamers
  • Highly similar materials

If you want to learn more about these enhanced capabilities, watch now this on demand webinar.

For PAT applications TruScan RM with TruTools supplies stable, easy to operate, non-invasive and non-destructive analysis. With TruScan RM with TruTools PAT applications are broadened to include:

  • Aqueous mixtures of solvents in downstream processing
  • Quality checks of critical material attributes for in-process materials

At-line inspection of product strength before final lab confirmation assists in ensuring rapid release with:

  • Correct API presence
  • Correct API strength

Biopharmaceutical manufacturing frequently entails complex formulations of starting materials and relatively low concentration protein solutions which benefit strongly from the use of TruTools. Applications which biopharmaceutical customers are employing currently include:

  • Chemically defined cell culture media quality control
    • monitor the quality and batch-to-batch variability of both dry powder and hydrated media
    • spectroscopically monitor the long-term storage of media and alert for media changes
    • you can learn more on this on demand webinar
  • Point of need buffer solution concentration determination

Finished drug product and bulk drug substance product ID at fill-finish sites. For more details see this application note.

TruTools expands TruScan RM material identification. TruScan RM with TruTools allows control of the verification algorithm and acquisition parameters to target specific materials of interest. Analyses can be tailored for challenging incoming raw materials such as:

  • Those which vary in molecular weight distribution
    • polysorbates
    • polyethylene glycols
    • poloxamers
  • Highly similar materials

If you want to learn more about these enhanced capabilities, watch now this on demand webinar.

For PAT applications TruScan RM with TruTools supplies stable, easy to operate, non-invasive and non-destructive analysis. With TruScan RM with TruTools PAT applications are broadened to include:

  • Aqueous mixtures of solvents in downstream processing
  • Quality checks of critical material attributes for in-process materials

At-line inspection of product strength before final lab confirmation assists in ensuring rapid release with:

  • Correct API presence
  • Correct API strength

Biopharmaceutical manufacturing frequently entails complex formulations of starting materials and relatively low concentration protein solutions which benefit strongly from the use of TruTools. Applications which biopharmaceutical customers are employing currently include:

  • Chemically defined cell culture media quality control
    • monitor the quality and batch-to-batch variability of both dry powder and hydrated media
    • spectroscopically monitor the long-term storage of media and alert for media changes
    • you can learn more on this on demand webinar
  • Point of need buffer solution concentration determination

Finished drug product and bulk drug substance product ID at fill-finish sites. For more details see this application note.