If you are already performing cloning and looking for a specific reagent to meet your research needs, this area has everything you need to proceed.

Featured cloning reagent categories

Competent Cells

Chemically, electrocompetent, expression and competent cells for specialized applications in multiple packaging formats.


Primer design tools seamlessly connected to our online ordering system, so you never have to cut and paste.

DNA Purification

Sensitive, scalable purification from diverse starting materials to maximize process efficiency and downstream performance.

Reverse Transcription

Reverse transcription enzymes and first-strand synthesis kits to obtain high-quality cDNA.


GeneArt Site-Directed Mutagenesis System provides a convenient & highly efficient means to generate mutant target proteins in vitro.

PCR Enzymes

Taq polymerases, such as AmpliTaq 360 DNA Polymerase, Platinum Taq and AmpliTaq Gold 360 DNA for basic and complex PCR applications.

Restriction Enzymes

Restriction enzymes offer a traditional method for DNA cloning and other DNA analyses.

cDNA Libraries & Library Construction

SuperScript premade cDNA libraries, first-strand cDNAs, RACE and cDNA library construction kits.

Nucleic Acid Gel Electrophoresis

Separate nucleic acids using E-Gel and Novex gels for fast and accurate results.

Thermo Scientific Cloning Tools

FastDigest restriction enzymes, CloneJET kits, InsTAclone kits, Ligase Independent Cloning, Alkaline Phosphatases and more.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.