Scientist using a laptop

The GeneArt Services Dashboard is the hub for all gene synthesis service projects. Whether designing new projects, checking on orders in production, re-ordering plasmids made previously, or getting personalized assistance, you can find all the resources you need in one place.

Enter the dashboard

GeneArt Instant Designer guide

The Instant Designer module is accessible through the GeneArt Services Dashboard. Here, by taking advantage of the module’s intuitive navigation, you can configure and customize new projects for cloned genes or DNA fragments. Below, you can find the quick reference guide to view step-by-step instructions for your gene synthesis projects.

Templates and bulk configuration features make it simpler to place large or frequent orders. Watch for the option to configure and optimize multiple sequences during the import step.

The Instant Designer guide: Tutorial videos

The Instant Designer guide: GeneOptimizer algorithm

The Instant Designer guide: Vector selection

ynthesized genes can be delivered into vectors like pcDNA 3.1

Within the Instant Designer module, there are options to select pre-existing vectors as well as manage vectors from your past orders.

If you prefer to receive your synthetic gene in your own unique vector, you can now onboard the vector online during construct design. Please see our instructions for vector onboarding.

If you’re not sure which vector meets your needs, use the vector selection tool to review Invitrogen vectors available for gene synthesis. Within, you can identify best-suited vectors by filtering preferred feature, including host system, selection marker, and promoter.

GeneArt Services Dashboard features

Beyond gene synthesis and optimization, the GeneArt Services Dashboard offers functionality for pricing, personal project templates, order management, tracking orders, as well as plasmid prep and scientific support. Explore the below sections to learn more.

GeneArt Services order management

Estimate pricing

Without entering sequences or configuring projects, the GeneArt Dashboard provides estimated pricing on a range of services. Simply select Pricing from the left navigation menu and enter some basic project details to get an estimate.

Get a quote

The GeneArt Services Dashboard also provides quotes based on your specific project needs:

  • Gene synthesis - For easy ordering, simply configure a custom DNA project and generate a quote from the cart. This is an ideal solution if you work through a purchasing department for order placement.
  • Protein expression - Get quick access to the Gene-to-Protein quote request form. Here, you can provide project details and receive a corresponding quote within 48 hours.
  • DNA libraries - Easily start a quote request for a directed mutagenesis library.

Project templates

Do you have a favorite construct design that you use repeatedly? Would you like to optimize for expression in the same species and have a glycerol stock included? Save your favorite vector, insertion points, optimization species, delivery options, and more in a personal project template. Then, apply the template during import on your future projects to save time and hassle.

Order tracking

Once you have placed an order and manufacturing has begun, monitor production status from the ‘Orders & Drafts’ tab of the left navigation menu. Here, daily progress updates empower you to confidently schedule and prepare resources for upcoming experiments. In addition, this tab also stores past project documentation.

Plasmid prep and custom plasmid storage

Scientific support

The GeneArt Services Dashboard is designed to be easy to use for designing your constructs and placing orders. But if you get stuck, don’t worry! Our dedicated support team is happy to assist! You can contact us directly through your dashboard.

Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments