Trizol Reagents are complete, ready-to-use reagents for the isolation of genomic DNA. Genomic DNA isolated with DNAzol Reagents can be used for restriction endonuclease digestion, Southern blot analysis, molecular cloning, and PCR.

Advantages of DNAzol

The DNAzol Reagent procedure can be completed in typically 10–30 minutes with DNA recoveries of 70–100%. DNAzol Reagent can be used with a broad spectrum of sample materials and allows for rapid isolation and high recovery of genomic DNA (gDNA). Downstream applications include southern blotting, PCR, cloning, restriction endonuclease digestion, and dot blot hybridization.

DNAzol® Reagent

  • Designed for use with tissues, cells, or blood
  • Includes a novel guanidine-detergent lysing solution that selectively precipitates DNA from a cell lysate
  • Offers procedures that are completed in 30 to 60 min
  • Provides detailed protocols on the product profile
  • Can isolate genomic DNA from 50 mg of tissue or 1 x 107 to 3 x 107 cells with one milliliter of DNAzol Reagent

Learn more about DNAzol Reagent

DNAzol® BD Reagent

  • Specifically formulated for the isolation of genomic DNA from blood
  • Can isolate genomic DNA from 0.5 mL whole blood with one milliliter of reagent

Learn more about DNAzol BD Reagent

Plant DNAzol® Reagent

  • Specifically formulated for the isolation of genomic DNA from plants
  • Can isolate genomic DNA from 0.1 g of plant tissue with 0.3 mL of reagent

Learn more about Plant DNAzol Reagent

DNAzol Reagent by sample type

Sample Type (General)Final ProductProduct NameQuantityCat. No.
CellsGenomic DNADNAzol® Reagent100 mL10503-027
BloodGenomic DNADNAzol® BD Reagent100 mL10974-020
Plant samplesGenomic DNAPlant DNAzol® Reagent100 mL10978-021

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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