miRNA Mimics & Inhibitors

Functional analysis of regulatory RNAs like microRNA (miRNA) can help decipher complex cellular processes in development and disease etiology.

Our suite of synthetic miRNA mimics and inhibitors are:

  • Chemically modified for optimal performance
  • Pre-designed for thousands of microRNAs across a wide range of species in miRBase v.22
  • Complemented by a suite of miRNA tools for detection and analysis

Learn more about our advanced mirVana miRNA reagents

Search for Pre-designed miRNA Mimics and Inhibitors

Selecting a miRNA Mimic or Inhibitor

We recommend mirVana mimics and inhibitors for anyone getting started with functional analysis of endogenous microRNA and looking for the latest advances in specificity and potency. Our Pre-miR and Anti-miR reagents remain relevant for ongoing studies that have benefited from these original product formats.

 miRNA mimics
for gain-of-function studies
miRNA inhibitors
for loss-of-function studies
 mirVana Mimics
Pre-miR MimicsmirVana Inhibitors
Anti-miR Inhibitors
Content database coveragemiRBase v.22miRBase v.15miRBase v.22miRBase v.15
Available formatsIndividual tubes, custom plated collections, or whole genome libraryIndividual tubesIndividual tubes, custom plated collections, or whole genome libraryIndividual tubes
Product summary
  • Chemical modifications prevent passenger strand entry into RISC
  • Highly specific microRNA mimics
  • RNA duplexes mimic native microRNA
  • Patented design and chemical modifications
  • Potent, long-lasting microRNA inhibition
  • Single-strand inhibitors of endogenous microRNAs

Order miRNA Mimic and Inhibitor positive and negative controls

mirVana miRNA reagents for functional analysis

Mimics with superior specificity

mirVana miRNA mimics are chemically modified double-stranded RNA molecules designed to mimic endogenous microRNAs (miRNAs), resulting in down-regulation of target mRNA translation due to mRNA sequestration or degradation. Like native miRNAs, these mimics have two strands—the mature, or guide strand, which is functional and used by the Argonaute (Ago) protein to target mRNAs, and the passenger strand (formerly called the star strand), which may or may not have native targets of its own.

The chemical modifications in mirVana miRNA mimics inactivate the passenger strand to help ensure that the guide strand (representing the desired mature miRNA) is taken up by Ago to produce the miRNA effect (Figure 1). mirVana miRNA mimics are designed to produce maximum and consistent effects at concentrations as low as 0.3 nM and are available individually or as libraries.

mirVana miRNA mimics demonstrate high specificity

Figure 1. mirVana miRNA mimics demonstrate high specificity. HeLa cells were transfected with one of six different mirVana miRNA mimics at 3 nM concentration and a corresponding reporter plasmid. The fold change in reporter gene expression for each miRNA mimic strand was determined by measuring expression in the presence of mimic relative to that of a negative control (set at 1.0). Each plasmid has the reporter gene cloned both in forward orientation (Fwd) to measure activity of the miRNA mimic mature strand, and in reverse/complement orientation (Rev) to test activity of the passenger strand. For all six mimics, mature strand activity is high (reporter gene expression reduced 5- to 10-fold compared with negative control), and passenger strand activity is low or absent (similar to negative control).

Inhibitors with excellent potency

mirVana miRNA inhibitors are chemically modified, single-stranded oligonucleotides with patented secondary structure designed to specifically bind to and inhibit endogenous miRNAs, resulting in up-regulation of target mRNA translation. Compared with competitors, these inhibitors have the highest-potency in vitro inhibition at the lowest miRNA inhibitor concentration (Figure 2). Like the mimics, the mirVana miRNA inhibitors are available individually or as libraries.

mirVana miRNA inhibitors are more potent than those from leading competitors

Figure 2. mirVana miRNA inhibitors are more potent than those from leading competitors. mirVana miRNA inhibitors and two other commercially available let-7 inhibitors were each transfected into HeLa cells at 10 nM concentration using Lipofectamine RNAiMAX reagent. Twenty-four hours later, HMGA2 mRNA levels (a natural target of the let-7 microRNA) were measured by qRT-PCR using TaqMan assays.

Take advantage of in vivo–ready reagents

mirVana miRNA mimics and inhibitors are compatible with in vivo applications and have been validated with Invivofectamine 2.0 Reagent for in vivo delivery ( Figure 3) to achieve effective target modulation. in vivo–ready mirVana miRNA mimics and inhibitors are HPLC-purified and in vivo-processed for salt-balancing, sterile filtration, and endotoxin testing to reduce potential immune responses and are ready for immediate in vivo use.
mirVana miRNA inhibitors effectively suppress miRNA in vivo

Figure 3. mirVana miRNA inhibitors effectively suppress miRNA in vivo. miR-122 or Negative Control #1 mirVana miRNA inhibitors were complexed with Invivofectamine 2.0 reagent and injected into the tail veins of Balb-C mice on three consecutive days at 7 mg per kg body weight. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, expression levels of four natural targets of miR-122 were measured in the liver using TaqMan assays. Significant up-regulation of all four mRNAs was detected in mice treated with miR-122 inhibitor, as compared with mice that received no treatment or the negative control. Results indicate that mirVana miRNA inhibitors were efficiently delivered to the liver with Invivofectamine 2.0, where they inactivated miR-122, leading to up-regulation of genes naturally suppressed by miR-122.

miRNA libraries for high-throughput studies (96-well or 384-well plates)

In addition to our pre-defined miRNA libraries, mirVana mimics and inhibitors are available as custom collections.

  • 96- or 384-well plates, 384-well Echo-compatible plates
  • Minimum order of 20 reagents
  • Perfect for pilot studies, primary screen follow-up, or a customized functional genomics screen

Request a quote for a custom miRNA library

Product lineQuantity per well
mirVana miRNA mimics–human, mouse, or rat0.25 or 1.0 nmol/well
mirVana miRNA inhibitors–human, mouse, or rat0.25 or 1.0 nmol/well

Mimics with superior specificity

mirVana miRNA mimics are chemically modified double-stranded RNA molecules designed to mimic endogenous microRNAs (miRNAs), resulting in down-regulation of target mRNA translation due to mRNA sequestration or degradation. Like native miRNAs, these mimics have two strands—the mature, or guide strand, which is functional and used by the Argonaute (Ago) protein to target mRNAs, and the passenger strand (formerly called the star strand), which may or may not have native targets of its own.

The chemical modifications in mirVana miRNA mimics inactivate the passenger strand to help ensure that the guide strand (representing the desired mature miRNA) is taken up by Ago to produce the miRNA effect (Figure 1). mirVana miRNA mimics are designed to produce maximum and consistent effects at concentrations as low as 0.3 nM and are available individually or as libraries.

mirVana miRNA mimics demonstrate high specificity

Figure 1. mirVana miRNA mimics demonstrate high specificity. HeLa cells were transfected with one of six different mirVana miRNA mimics at 3 nM concentration and a corresponding reporter plasmid. The fold change in reporter gene expression for each miRNA mimic strand was determined by measuring expression in the presence of mimic relative to that of a negative control (set at 1.0). Each plasmid has the reporter gene cloned both in forward orientation (Fwd) to measure activity of the miRNA mimic mature strand, and in reverse/complement orientation (Rev) to test activity of the passenger strand. For all six mimics, mature strand activity is high (reporter gene expression reduced 5- to 10-fold compared with negative control), and passenger strand activity is low or absent (similar to negative control).

Inhibitors with excellent potency

mirVana miRNA inhibitors are chemically modified, single-stranded oligonucleotides with patented secondary structure designed to specifically bind to and inhibit endogenous miRNAs, resulting in up-regulation of target mRNA translation. Compared with competitors, these inhibitors have the highest-potency in vitro inhibition at the lowest miRNA inhibitor concentration (Figure 2). Like the mimics, the mirVana miRNA inhibitors are available individually or as libraries.

mirVana miRNA inhibitors are more potent than those from leading competitors

Figure 2. mirVana miRNA inhibitors are more potent than those from leading competitors. mirVana miRNA inhibitors and two other commercially available let-7 inhibitors were each transfected into HeLa cells at 10 nM concentration using Lipofectamine RNAiMAX reagent. Twenty-four hours later, HMGA2 mRNA levels (a natural target of the let-7 microRNA) were measured by qRT-PCR using TaqMan assays.

Take advantage of in vivo–ready reagents

mirVana miRNA mimics and inhibitors are compatible with in vivo applications and have been validated with Invivofectamine 2.0 Reagent for in vivo delivery ( Figure 3) to achieve effective target modulation. in vivo–ready mirVana miRNA mimics and inhibitors are HPLC-purified and in vivo-processed for salt-balancing, sterile filtration, and endotoxin testing to reduce potential immune responses and are ready for immediate in vivo use.
mirVana miRNA inhibitors effectively suppress miRNA in vivo

Figure 3. mirVana miRNA inhibitors effectively suppress miRNA in vivo. miR-122 or Negative Control #1 mirVana miRNA inhibitors were complexed with Invivofectamine 2.0 reagent and injected into the tail veins of Balb-C mice on three consecutive days at 7 mg per kg body weight. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, expression levels of four natural targets of miR-122 were measured in the liver using TaqMan assays. Significant up-regulation of all four mRNAs was detected in mice treated with miR-122 inhibitor, as compared with mice that received no treatment or the negative control. Results indicate that mirVana miRNA inhibitors were efficiently delivered to the liver with Invivofectamine 2.0, where they inactivated miR-122, leading to up-regulation of genes naturally suppressed by miR-122.

miRNA libraries for high-throughput studies (96-well or 384-well plates)

In addition to our pre-defined miRNA libraries, mirVana mimics and inhibitors are available as custom collections.

  • 96- or 384-well plates, 384-well Echo-compatible plates
  • Minimum order of 20 reagents
  • Perfect for pilot studies, primary screen follow-up, or a customized functional genomics screen

Request a quote for a custom miRNA library

Product lineQuantity per well
mirVana miRNA mimics–human, mouse, or rat0.25 or 1.0 nmol/well
mirVana miRNA inhibitors–human, mouse, or rat0.25 or 1.0 nmol/well

Additional products for miRNA research

miRNAs require special tools for accurate and sensitive analysis. We offer a broad portfolio of products that provides complete solutions for either miRNA expression profiling or a targeted quantitation/target validation.

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Ensure effective delivery, detection, and interpretation of your miRNA modulation experiments

Learn more about native regulatory RNAs


If you have any questions on miRNA products or ordering, please contact us at RNAiSupport@thermofisher.com

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.