
A scalable, high-throughput genotyping solution

Population genotyping and increasing adoption of genomic selection for agricultural markets are fueling the growth for microarray genotyping applications. However, scaling-up genotyping is cost prohibitive due to the large upfront investment needed for automated liquid handlers (ALHs) for target preparation.

The Applied Biosystems Axiom Propel workflow empowers you to disrupt the bottleneck in scaling-up genotyping by eliminating the need for high upfront capital investment for ALHs. It is a new, innovative workflow utilizing multidrop combi liquid dispensers and other common lab equipment for target preparation without changing the existing steps.

The Axiom Propel workflow offers a scalable, modular, high-throughput and cost-effective genotyping solution and is available in both 96 and 384 format.

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Axiom Propel XPRES 384HT Workflow 

Axiom Propel XPRES 384HT workflow is developed specially to enable the Agrigenomics customers achieve higher genotyping throughput with lower capital and operational cost while gaining greater efficiency.  

The Axiom Propel XPRES 384HT introduces multiple innovations to expedite the complete process. The new chemistry for faster amplification time combined with a new Fast Wash protocol saves significant processing time and allows fast turnaround time expediting critical breeding decisions in 48 hours.

Scalable modularity

The Axiom Propel workflow replaces high capital investment equipment (ALHs) with simpler lab equipment such as multidrop combi liquid dispensers, shakers, sealers, and centrifuges. Without changing the existing target preparation steps, the Thermo Fisher Scientific-verified Axiom Propel workflow delivers a cost-effective solution.

The Axiom Propel workflow requires less capital investment, less floor space, and fewer operators while offering higher throughput, as compared with the ALH-based protocol.

  • Freedom from large capital investment needed for ALHs
  • Lower run cost per sample compared with ALH-based protocol
  • Modularity allows redundancy and reduces workflow interruptions  

High throughput

Being modular, the Axiom Propel workflow is highly scalable for achieving higher throughput. It offers the flexibility to grow genotyping volume with increasing demands. Instead of one plate per ALH, the Axiom Propel workflow allows processing of eight plates at a time.

  • Grow exponentially to millions of samples per year and beyond
  • Bulk reagent packaging for increased operational efficiency

Accelerated turnaround time (TAT)

The Axiom Propel workflow is optimized both for 96- and 384-format arrays. The 384-format array workflow enables faster results using our new chemistry, producing genotype results from genomic DNA within 48 hours. This enables faster decisions for critical samples. In addition, a standalone GeneTitan scanner is introduced to allow the flexibility to scan priority samples without interrupting the production workflow.

Standalone GeneTitan Scanner
Standalone GeneTitan Scanner


  • New chemistry for 384F assays enables sample to result within 48 hours
  • 30% faster scan time (for 96F) with new GeneTitan Scanner

Sustainable solution

The Axiom Propel workflow is a budget-friendly solution and also generates less plastic waste. Instead of using thousands of expensive, single-use plastic tips, the Multidrop Combi reagent dispensers are tip-free. Only a Thermo Scientific Multidrop cassette is required. Multidrop Combi cassettes can be used to dispense approximately 28.8 L before needing to be replaced, or 1,500 plates when dispensing a 200 μL volume per plate. When comparing the cost of one Multidrop Combi cassette to 1,500 racks of tips, the cassette is significantly less expensive.

4X and 8X bulk reagents

In addition, with the new bulk 4X and 8X packaging for Applied Biosystems Axiom reagents, there is more operational efficiency and less waste.

  • Cost savings due to lower plastic consumption
  • Reduced plastic usage minimizes waste and reduces environmental impact

The genotyping applications, both for human and agriculture markets continue to grow at healthy rate. The Axiom Propel workflow is designed to help our customers stay competitive and provide quality service to their stakeholders.  

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.