Eureka™ Analysis Suite software is designed for automated data analysis of agriculture genotyping applications.

Eureka Analysis Suite manages samples, ensures next-generation sequencing (NGS) index combination integrity, and enables genotyping data analysis with a single software package. Eureka Analysis Suite integrates sample management and tracking, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping, and insertion/deletion (indel) detection in an easy-to-use graphical interface. The software automates the Affymetrix Best Practices Workflow to deliver accurate results in a single step for export to PLINK, VCF, or TXT formats.

Eureka Analysis Suite 1.0

Manage samples and run complete genotyping analysis of all your Eureka genotyping assays with a single software package.

A simple, easy-to-use, and powerful genotyping analysis tool

Sample tracking

  • Select plate mapping configuration for 96- or 384-plates using the Eureka Genotyping Calculator.
  • Enter sample index plate barcode and set up sequencing run calculations.

Complete analysis in one package

  • Complete the Best Practices Workflow with the click of one button: perform sample and plate QC, genotype samples, and filter SNPs into defined classifications.
  • Use default or custom views to visualize results, evaluate sample performance with box plots and scatter plots, and view individual SNP cluster plots.

View SNP categories

  • Export results in multiple file formats for use in downstream analysis.
  • Manually edit genotype calls for one or more samples for a single marker.
  • View SNP cluster graphs, which are generated for each marker, allowing a detailed look at the performance of SNPs of interest.

For a list of functions, please download the   latest release notes.

Download the latest version of Eureka Analysis Suite, version 1.0 (64-bit), and install the software by following the installation instructions found in the   Eureka Analysis Suite User Guide. This version is supported on Microsoft Windows™ 7 Professional (SP 1), Quad Core System 2.83 GHz with recommended 16 GB RAM.


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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.