Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a high-throughput method that enables rapid sequencing of millions of DNA or RNA molecules on a massively parallel scale. The speed, throughput, and accuracy of NGS has transformed genetic sciences and enabled a breadth of applications that were once thought impossible. Learn more about the basics of NGS and see how the technology helps drive scientific discovery and enables the future of precision medicine.

sanger sequncing basics

Next-generation sequencing basics

Whether you are new to NGS or want to learn about the various methods, we have the information to help you understand the technology and get started quickly. Learn about the NGS workflow, including sequencing methods, different approaches to targeted sequencing, and why sequencing throughput and coverage is important.

sanger sequncing basics

Immuno-oncology research with NGS

Understand the framework used to describe how the immune system recognizes and kills cancer and see how researchers are using NGS to better understand tumor-immune interactions and study the immune repertoire at an unprecedented level. Learn about TCR convergence and how NGS is enabling biomarker discovery and predictive outcomes for immunotherapies in the future.

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Cancer research with NGS

From a single sample, NGS research analysis can reveal a rich molecular profile for better insights into the disease and enable more personalized medicine. Learn about the different NGS methods and sample considerations to enable your cancer research. Discover how NGS is used for biomarker discovery and understand what drives cancer. See how NGS is driving new applications, such as measuring microsatellite instability (MSI) and methylation detection.

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Microbiome research with NGS

The microbiome is a collection of all the genetic material from the microbes that live on and inside our body. NGS has enabled culture independent analysis of what researchers sometimes call our second genome. Discover how microorganisms play a fundamental role in our well-being, and learn how NGS is used to understand the influence of the microbiome on diseases such as obesity and cancer.