
Meet the Ion GeneStudio S5 systems

Our latest NGS systems provide the versatility and scalability to handle multiple applications on a single platform. One instrument scales easily to accommodate various throughputs, applications, and types of data output.

A Single sequencer. Multiple applications. Now more scalable than ever.

The Ion GeneStudio S5 series of instruments enables you to efficiently run small and large projects across multiple research applications with a simple sample-to-data NGS workflow and superior speed. Select from five different sequencing chips, including the Ion 550 Chip, to sequence a throughput range from 2 million to 130 million reads per run, and up to 260 million reads per day. Simply choose the chip size and the instrument that matches your throughput and application needs.


Speed and flexibility improve lab competitiveness


"In my institute, many customers come to me for speed and flexibility for different gene panels, tailored to disease areas of interest. This is one of the most elegant workflows on the market today, and I can now offer a range of applications and deliver the data in the fastest turnaround time in the market, at costs that are competitive."Morten Dunø , Lab Manager; Molecular Genetic Laboratory, Department of Clinical Genetics; Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark


New innovation in library prep

Ion AmpliSeq HD technology,* a new development in library preparation, is coming later this year. This advanced technology will be ideal for ultralow-frequency variant detection from both liquid biopsy and FFPE samples, and will enable custom liquid biopsy panels.

*The content provided herein may relate to products that have not been officially released and is subject to change without notice.


Target multiple cancer types from a single vial of blood


The Ion Torrent Oncomine Pan-Cancer Cell-Free Assay enables reproducible detection and analysis of tumor DNA and RNA across all major classes of somatic mutations (SNVs, indels, CNVs, and fusions) from a single vial of blood and from as little as 1 ng of nucleic acid input within two days.

Targeting over 50 genes across multiple cancer types (including lung, colorectal, breast, pancreatic, thyroid, and others), the cell-free total nucleic acid (cfTNA) assay is the latest addition to our rapidly growing portfolio of liquid biopsy NGS assays.

Learn more about Oncomine Cell-Free Assays for Liquid Biopsy Clinical Research


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.