A Virtually RNase-free DNase I - TechNotes 9(5)
Description: Recombinant DNase I offers advantages for RT-PCR and diagnostic applications

Combat RNase Contamination in the Lab - TechNotes 11(2)

Description: Ambion provides a complete selection of products to help prevent, detect, and eliminate RNase
contamination in molecular biology experiments.

Detect RNases Before They Ruin Your Experiment - TechNotes 8(2)
Description: New 30 minute test for verifying that common lab solutions are RNase-free

Measuring RNase Activity- A Real-time Kinetic Analysis - TechNotes 8(4)
Description: Detect nuclease and standardize enzyme activity

RNase Activity in Mouse Tissue: Classification, Hierarchy, and Methods for Control - TechNotes 12(3)
Description: A comparison of total RNase activities in 8 different mouse tissues, with recommendations for the best RNA isolation methods.

SUPERase•In™: The Right Choice for Protecting Your RNA - TechNotes 8(2)
Description: New ribonuclease inhibitor that inhibits a broader range of RNases over a broader range of conditions than traditional RNase inhibitors.

The World´s Best DNase: Improved TURBO DNA-free™ - TechNotes 11(4)
Description: The efficiency and potency of Ambion's engineered form of DNase I has been enhanced even further in the latest version of the TURBO DNA-free Kit.

Which Water to Use? - TechNotes 11(4)

Description: Don't overlook the water used in the experiment when trying to pinpoint the source of RNase contamination.