Introducing the four-component iWestern Workflow Bundle

(See a list of the products featured in this article.)

Streamline your western blotting with the Invitrogen iWestern Workflow, an inventive take on the decades-long problem of getting the desired results from the often elusive and time-consuming western blot. Every instrument in the iWestern Workflow is meticulously developed to produce exceptional western blot results with minimal hands-on time. At the core of the iWestern Workflow are four innovative western blotting instruments designed with a focus on processing efficiency, reproducibility, and performance (Figure 1).

iWestern Workflow instruments

Figure 1. iWestern Workflow instrument components. From left to right, the Invitrogen Mini Gel Tank, the Invitrogen iBind Western Device, the Invitrogen iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer Device, and the Invitrogen iBright FL 1000 Imaging System.

Separate proteins

The Invitrogen Mini Gel Tank is an intelligently engineered protein electrophoresis tank with a side-by-side design that provides a forward-facing well configuration for easier sample loading and simultaneous visualization of both gels during electrophoresis. Because it has two individual buffer tanks, less running buffer is required when running only a single gel. Compatible with over 180 gels of different formats and gel chemistries, the Mini Gel Tank provides the flexibility to choose the best gel for the experiment at hand.

We provide the Mini Gel Tank in each of our Protein Gel Welcome Packs (Figure 2). Protein Gel Welcome Packs include two boxes of gels (with your choice of gel chemistry) and the necessary buffers to perform electrophoresis. The standard iWestern Workflow Bundle includes the Invitrogen Bolt Gel Welcome Pack, featuring Bis-Tris gel chemistry for optimal western blotting performance. You can also customize your iWestern Workflow Bundle by choosing an alternative Protein Gel Welcome Pack with gel chemistry that is compatible with your target protein’s abundance and size, and the downstream application (Table 1).

Protein Gel Welcome Pack with Mini Gel Tank

Figure 2. Protein Gel Welcome Pack with Mini Gel Tank.

Transfer proteins

The iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer System combines an innovative, all-new robust design that delivers exceptional performance and convenience with proven iBlot technology. The iBlot 3 System is a true self-contained, plug-and-play system, with an integrated power supply and prepackaged, ready-to-use transfer stacks. Setup, teardown, and cleanup only takes minutes compared with the much more cumbersome and hands-on steps required for wet-tank transfer. 

Two independently controlled transfer stations allow transfer of two midi or four mini gels at one time in as few as three minutes. The device delivers excellent transfer efficiency and built-in cooling provides consistent, reproducible transfers.

iBlot 3 Starter Kit

Figure 3. iBlot 3 Starter Kit.

Detect proteins

The Invitrogen iBind Western Devices are simple, nonpowered instruments that automate many of the tedious, routine western blot processing steps and improve blot-to-blot consistency. The original iBind Western Device accommodates the processing of one mini blot at a time, whereas the iBind Flex Western Device accommodates the processing of up to one midi blot, two mini blots, or six vertically cut strip blots. Both systems are compatible with chromogenic, chemiluminescence, and fluorescence detection protocols.

Simply load primary antibody, secondary antibody, and wash solutions, then walk away. Sequential lateral flow technology takes over, eliminating the need for trays, timers, or shakers. The entire immunoblotting process is complete in less than 3 hours and uses up to 80% less primary antibody than traditional methods. The standard iWestern Workflow Bundle comes with the iBind Starter Kit (Figure 4), which includes the consumables needed to get started, but it can be customized to include the iBind Flex Starter Kit if increased throughput is needed.

iBind Flex Western Starter Kit

Figure 4. iBind Flex Western Starter Kit.

Image and analyze proteins

The Invitrogen iBright Imaging Systems (Figure 5) are high-performance, all-in-one instruments for capturing images and analyzing data from western blots and gels. Complete with a powerful 9.1 megapixel camera (Figure 6), proprietary Smart Exposure™ acquisition technology, Thermo Fisher Cloud connectivity, an easy-to-use interface, and a suite of automated features, iBright Imaging Systems make western blot imaging fast and easy for researchers at all experience levels.

Two iBright instruments are available—the iBright CL1000 system, for imaging and documenting chemiluminescent western blots and stained protein and nucleic acid gels, and the iBright FL1000 system (Figure 5), which features the same imaging modes as the iBright CL1000 system but also offers 5-channel fluorescent blot imaging capability in both visible and near-IR excitation and emission channels. The standard iWestern Workflow Bundle includes the iBright FL1000 Imaging System.

iBright FL1000 Imaging System

Figure 5. iBright FL1000 Imaging System.

iBright Imaging Systems provide sensitive detection

Figure 6. iBright Imaging Systems feature a powerful 9.1 megapixel camera for sensitive signal detection. Two-fold serial dilutions of HeLa cell lysate (starting at 80 μg/lane) were loaded and run on Invitrogen Novex Tris-glycine gels, transferred, and probed with antibodies against DDX3 or Ku80 protein. Blots were then probed with corresponding HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies, developed with Thermo Scientific SuperSignal West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate, and visualized (using 10 sec exposures) on either the Invitrogen iBright FL1000 Imaging System or another imaging device with a lower-quality, 4.1 megapixel camera.

Modernize your western blot protocol with the iWestern Workflow

Learn more about the iWestern Workflow Bundle, explore the many options for customization, and request a quote.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.