schematic of t cell activation with CD3/CD28 Dynabeads

Cell isolation, expansion and differentiation are critical processes and techniques for studying cell biology. Here you will find educational resources including videos, application notes and articles to help you better understand these processes.

Cell isolation, expansion and differentiation features

Application note

flow cytometry dot plot of forward scatter of isolated cells

Flow cytometry analysis of transcription factor expression during differentiation of hPSC-derived cardiomyocytes

This application note describes a flow cytometric method for the simultaneous quantification of Oct4, a canonical marker of pluripotency, and Nkx2.5, a marker of cardiac fate, in hPSCs induced to differentiate towards cardiomyocytes.

Technology video

still from animated video Two Worlds of Cell Separation

The two worlds of cell separation

This video explains the differences between microparticle and nanoparticle cell isolation techniques.

Cell isolation, expansion and differentiation learning resources

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Application note (2017)Flow cytometry analysis of transcription factor expression during differentiation of hPSC-derived cardiomyocytesAttune/Attune NxT Flow Cytometer, cell differentiation, flow cytometry, multicolor flow cytometry, stem cell research
BioProbes article (2015)Isolation and characterization of exosomes using magnetic beadsantibodies, exosomes, flow cytometry, fluorescence, immunophenotyping, multiplex ELISA/Luminex,  particles, protein blotting, western detection
Scientific poster (2010) A comparison of three techniques to induce efficient ex vivo T cell expansion Alexa Fluor, antibodies, cell proliferation, CellTrace, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, immunology, magnetic beads, multicolor flow cytometry, viability
BioProbes article (2009) A flow cytometry–based method for isolating neural stem cells Alexa Fluor, cell isolation, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, neuroscience, stem cell research
BioProbes article (2009) Isolate T cells directly from whole blood cell isolation, cell proliferation, Click-iT, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, immunology, magnetic beads
BioProbes article (2009) Isolation and expansion of mouse Treg cells using Dynabeads technology Alexa Fluor, cell expansion, cell isolation, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, immunology, magnetic beads
Scientific poster (2009) A novel xeno-free and serum-free culture medium for the expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells cell culture, cell expansion, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, gene expression, immunophenotyping, stem cell research
BioProbes article (2008) Putting regulatory T cells to work—Isolate and expand CD4+ CD25+ Treg cells using Dynabeads magnetic separation technology cell expansion, cell isolation, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, immunology, magnetic beads, reagents
BioProbes article (2008) Single-step isolation of functional human NK cells antibodies, cell isolation, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, immunology, magnetic beads, sample preparation
BioProbes article (2007) The latest in stem cell research antibodies, antibody labeling, cell differentiation, cell expansion, flow cytometry, fluorescent dyes, growth factors, fluorescence microscopy/fluorescence imaging, stem cell research
Technology videoThe Two Worlds of Cell Separationcell isolation, immunology