
Detailed analysis is now at the fingertips of every researcher, regardless of access to bioinformatics resources. Transcriptome Analysis Console (TAC) Software, now including the functionality of Expression Console (EC) Software, enables you to go beyond simple identification of differential expression by providing powerful, interactive visualizations.

Designed for the biologist, TAC Software allows you to:

  • Perform array QC and data normalization
  • Perform statistical tests for differential expression
  • Focus on genes or pathways of interest
  • Explore interactions between coding and non-coding RNA
  • Interpret complex alternative splicing events
  • Link out to publicly available annotations
  • Obtain sequence information to design validation experiments
New streamlined workflow and improved analysis algorithms

New features in TAC Software (version 4.0.1 and subsequent releases):

  • Streamlined QC and data analysis with integration of EC Software and TAC Software into a single tool 
  • Ability to analyze large data sets of 1,000 samples or more
  • Integration of established LIMMA package 
  • Improved alternative splicing analysis

When combined with our comprehensive, high-density microarrays and reagents compatible with challenging and precious samples, you can go from sample to insight in just three days.

Download the latest version of TAC Software (64-bit). This version is supported on Windows 10 Professional.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.