Novex Value Tris-Glycine Gels

Invitrogen Novex Value Tris-Glycine gels are affordable polyacrylamide gels that provide good separation and resolution of your proteins for traditional Laemmli protein electrophoresis. These gels are compatible with the Invitrogen Mini gel tank.

Features of Novex Value Tris-Glycine gels include:

  • Affordability—great balance of value and performance
  • Fast-run conditions—separate your proteins using constant voltage in less than 60 minutes
  • Improved shelf life—store gels for at least 12 months at 4°C
  • Flexible—compatible with native and denatured protein samples

Superior band quality with Novex Value Tris-Glycine gels

4–20% Novex Value Tris-Glycine gel

4–20% Supplier B gel

Superior band quality with Novex Value Tris-Glycine Mini Gels. Protein ladders, purified proteins, and E. coli lysate were loaded on a Novex Value Tris-Glycine 4–20% gradient gel and Supplier B’s 4–20% gradient gel. Better protein band resolution in lysate samples and sharper, better-resolved high–molecular weight and low-abundance protein bands in purified protein samples are observed on Novex Value Tris-Glycine Mini Gels. Our gel also shows superior Coomassie staining/destaining qualities compared to Supplier B’s gel. Lanes 1, 5, 10: 5 μL Thermo Scientific™ PageRuler™ Unstained Protein Ladder; lanes 2, 6, 9: 5 μL Invitrogen™ Mark12™ Unstained Standard; lane 3: 10 μg E. coli lysate (10 μL sample volume); lane 4: 6 μg BSA (10 μL sample volume); lane 7: 6 μg h-IgG (10 μL sample volume); lane 8: 20 μg E. coli lysate (20 μL sample volume).

Choose the right Tris-Glycine gel for your needs

 Novex Value Tris-Glycine GelNovex™ WedgeWell™ Tris-Glycine
Band shape and sharpnessGoodGreat
Staining / destainingGreatGreat
Transfer efficiencyGoodGreat
Run time46 min (225V)50 min (225V)
Buffer systemNovex™ Tris-Glycine bufferNovex Tris-Glycine buffer
Well typeStandardWedgeWell
  • Qualitative applications
  • Protein purification verification
  • Protein presence verifications
  • Screening
  • Samples with low protein abundance
  • Need for high sample-load capacity
  • High fat/lipid samples
  • Lysates

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.