Protein Enrichment Strategies

Numerous techniques are available for the isolation of cellular proteins based on their post-translational modification (PTM) or active binding site. Protein enrichment is essential for isolating low-abundant proteins or isolating protein classes. Enrichment of specific proteins or protein complexes can most easily be accomplished using target-specific immobilized antibody or PTM specific affinity binding. The novel Thermo Scientific™ ActivX™ probes and enrichment kits enable the specific targeting of several enzyme classes, including kinases, GTPases, and serine hydrolases.

  • Comprehensive—reagents and kits for multiple protein enrichment strategies
  • Optimized—all reagents and kits are designed to maximize protein yield and reduce nonspecific binding
  • Convenient—easy-to-use spin formats enable more rapid enrichment of proteins
  • Flexible—kits can be used with either cultured mammalian cells or tissues

Choose the right protein enrichment kit for your application

protein Enrichment Kit
Glycoprotein Enrichment Kit, ConAGlycoprotein Enrichment Kit, WGAUbiquitin Enrichment KitKinase Enrichment Kit with ATP ProbeActivX™ TAMRA-FP Serine Hydrolase Probe
TargetPhosphorylated proteinsα-linked mannose and terminal glucose residuesN-acetyl glucosamine (GlcNAc)Polyubiquitin-ated proteinsATP binding sitesActive serine hydrolase enzymes
labeling mechanism
Metal chelate affinity to phosphate groupsLectin affinity to sugarsLectin affinity to sugarsAntibody affinity to targetBiotinylated ATP analog  to active-site lysineTAMRA-labeled fluoro
phosphonate binds to active site serine
Processing time2 hr<1 hr<1 hr<45 min6.5 hr3 hr
Enrichment formatIMAC-agaroseImmobilized conA-lectin-agaroseImmobilized WGA-lectin-agaroseImmobilized polyubiquitin affinity-agaroseImmobilized strepavidin-agaroseImmobilized anti-TAMRA mAb-agarose
(10 columns)
89804 (10 rxn)89805 (10 rxn)89899 (15 rxn)88310 (16 rxn)88318 (6.8 µg)

For downstream mass spectrometry analysis, peptide enrichment and/or fractionation is often necessary to detect peptides from low-abundance proteins and/or for reducing sample complexity for proteomic analysis.

Featured product data

Faster and higher phosphoprotein yields with the Pierce Phosphoprotein Enrichment Kit.

KitPhosphoprotein yield (ug)*Enrichment time (hours)
Pierce Phosphoprotein Enrichment Kit3001.5
Supplier Q kit884.5
Supplier I kit52**3.5
Supplier C kit1603
Supplier E kitToo dilute to determine5

*From 2 mg total protein.
**Based on maximum 1 mg load per manufacturer’s protocol.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.