Sequencing Webinars

Genome editing

Genome editing workflow facilitated by the Thermo Fisher Scientific portfolio solution
Dr. Steve Jackson, Product applications, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Cell line authentication
A complete workflow for human cell line authentication
Dr. Steve Jackson, Product applications, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Infectious disease research

SARS-CoV-2 Research: Implications of Viral Sequencing—The Children's Hospital Los Angeles Experience
Dr. Timothy J. Triche MD, PhD, Co-Director of Center for Personalized Medicine at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles​ (CHLA)
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Understanding the potential impact of the gut microbiome on SARS-CoV-2 Research
Dr. Heesun Shin, Product Manager, Clinical Sequencing, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Oncology research

Next-Generation Solution for Genomic Profiling
Dr. Jose Luis Costa, Affiliate Researcher, IPATIMUP and Andy Felton, Vice President of Marketing and Product Management, Clinical Next Generation Sequencing, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Advancing precision immunotherapy through next-generation sequencing of T cell receptors, Parts I and II
Dr. Timothy Looney, Staff Scientist, Bioinformatics, at Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Advances in NGS for Ultra-High Sensitivity Applications in Translational and Clinical Research
Dr. Hans Atli Dahl, Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer, Amplexa Genetics
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Rare allele detection in FFPE and cfDNA pathology research samples
Dr. Karl Kashofer, Head of the Laboratory for Diagnostic Genome Analysis, Department of Pathology, Medical University of Graz
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From qualitative to quantitative: experiences with a cfDNA assay in metastatic breast cancer
Liya Xu, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, Kuhn/Hicks Laboratory, USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience
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Latest advances in tumor genomic profiling for challenging samples
Dr. Navid Sadri, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pathology, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Dr. Jody McIntyre, Associate Director, Oncology Product Management, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Investigating the Genetics of Human Macrophage Response and Resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis with AmpliSeq Gene Expression Panels
Audrey Papp, B.S., MT ASCP(H), CLSp MB, Technical Director, The Ohio State University
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The journey to realizing the promise of precision medicine
Timothy Triche, MD, PhD; Co-Director, Center for Personalized Medicine Program; Professor of Pathology and Pediatrics, USC Keck School of Medicine; Children's Hospital Los Angeles Center for Personalized Medicine
P. Mickey Williams, PhD, Director, Molecular Characterization Laboratory, National Cancer Institute at Frederick
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Discover potentially predictive immuno-oncology biomarkers using next-gen sequencing
Fiona Hyland, Director of Bioinformatics R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific
Carl Morrison MD, DVM, Professor of Pathology at Roswell Park Cancer Institute; President of OmniSeq Precision Medicine Technology
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Variant detection in cell-free DNA from NSCLC using NGS
Tracy Stockley PhD, FCCMG, FACMG, Associate Professor, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
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Extended RAS Research Panel on Applied Biosystem’s new SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer
Dr. Luca Quagliata, Sr. Director, University Hospital Basel
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Reproductive genomics research
Rapid PGS workflow using next-generation sequencing
Fabien Murisier, Scientific director, Centre for Medically Assisted Procreation (CPMA)
Luis A. Alcaraz, Director, Bioarray
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Gene expression research
Exosome miRNA sequencing for biomarker profiling using Ion S5 System and Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit
Lesley Cheng, PhD, La Trobe University
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Inherited and complex disease research

NGS-based immune cell repertoire analysis for human disease research
Dr. Brian P. O'Connor, PhD, Associate Professor and Scientific Director of Genomics, National Jewish Health Center for Genes, Environment, and Health
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Rapid RASopathies testing using custom Ion AmpliSeq Panel with the Ion Torrent Genexus System
Dr. José Luis Costa, Affiliated Researcher of Genetic Dynamics of Cancer Cells, IPATIMUP, Portugal
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Molecular profiling of autoimmune inflammatory disease for prediction of response to therapy and immunological evolution of disease
Prof. Carl Goodyear, Professor of Translational Immunology, Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation, University of Glasgow, UK
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Application of targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) panels in neurodevelopmental disorder research
Alessandra Murgia, Associated Professor, Department of Woman and Child Health, University of Padova, Italy
Francisco Hernandez-Guzman, Senior Product Manager, Clinical Sequencing Division, Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Enabling neurological disease research via DNA fragment analysis
Dr. Gary Latham, Sr. Vice President, Research and Development, Asuragen
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.