Isolate any cell type from any sample from any species for any downstream application

Add your own biotinylated antibody to proven streptavidin-coated Dynabeads® to isolate any cell type from any sample from any species for any downstream application (Figure 1). This tube-based method is quick, easy and very flexible.

  • Any cell type—Use any biotinylated antibody
  • Any species—Human, mouse, rat, non-human primates
  • Any sample—Whole blood, bone marrow, tissue digests, spleen
  • Any application—Cells are ideal for culture, stimulation, DNA/ RNA or protein purification, flow cytometry


One system, many applications

Isolate untouched cells (negative isolation or depletion)

Label the cells with your own biotinylated antibody mix and then add Dynabeads® Biotin Binder to your starting sample to bind unwanted cell types. Use a DynaMagTM magnet to pull the unwanted cells to the tube wall, leaving a high purity and yield of untouched, viable cells in the supernatant. Batch-to-batch variations (Figure 2) and donor variations (Figure 3) are minimal.

Isolate bead-free cells (positive isolation with subsequent bead release)

Use CELLection™ Biotin Binder with your own biotinylated antibody (direct or indirect technique) to bind your target cell type. Use a DynaMagTM magnet to pull the target cells to the tube wall, leaving the unwanted cells in the supernatant. After isolation, the beads are detached from the cells by cleaving the DNase linker (reagent supplied). Dynabeads® FlowComp Flexi is another alternative for combining Dynabeads® with your own antibody. This product includes a biotinylation kit and uses a biotin/streptavidin-based release mechanism.

Dynabeads Biotin Binder for cell isolation
Figure 1. The principle of cell isolation using Dynabeads® Biotin Binder (A) and CELLection™ Biotin Binder (A+B). Isolated target cells can only be detached from beads with CELLection™ Biotin Binder.

Dynabeads Biotin Binder depletion of human CD4+ T cells from MNC
Figure 2. Batch-to-batch variations. Depletion of human CD4+ T cells from MNC performed by direct technique with 5 different Dynabeads® Biotin Binder batches. The same batch of primary biotinylated CD4 antibody is used in all samples. The average depletion of CD4+ lymphocytes is 98.6% with standard deviation (SD) of ±0.2.

Dynabeads Biotin Binder depletion of CD4 lymphosytes with donor variation
Figure 3. Donor variations. Depletion of human CD4+ T cells from MNC of 8 different donors performed on 8 different days with the same Dynabeads® Biotin Binder batch. The average depletion of CD4+ lymphocytes is 98.6% with SD of ±0.5.


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.