Using the correct PCR plates in PCR reaction set up is critical for obtaining accurate and reliable results. The right PCR plates ensure compatibility with thermal cycler well blocks, transfer heat efficiently during PCR cycling, and prevent leaks and evaporation.

PCR plates: Main features

Some of the key features that determine the compatibility of PCR and qPCR plates with the thermal cycler block are the skirt, deck, and plate format. Plates with barcodes allow accurate tracking and traceability throughout the PCR process.


A “skirt” of a PCR plate or qPCR plate is a peripheral panel around the plate (Figure 1). A skirt provides stability to the plate during pipetting in reaction setup, and mechanical strength for better handling by robotic instruments. PCR plates and qPCR plates can be categorized as non-skirted, semi-skirted, and full-skirted.

  • Non-skirted PCR plates lack the surrounding panel (Figure 1A). This format fits blocks of most thermal cyclers and real-time PCR instruments, but it is not suitable for robotic applications.
  • Semi-skirted PCR plates have a short panel around the edge of the plate (Figure 1B), helping provide adequate support during pipetting and mechanical strength for robotic handling.
  • Full-skirted PCR plates have a full-height panel surrounding the plate (Figure 1C). This plate format is designed to fit securely over a thermal cycler with a raised block (which facilitates robotic handling). The full skirt also enhances mechanical strength, making it excellent for use with robotic platforms such as automated thermal cyclers.
Three 96-well clear plates: the left one is non-skirted, the center one is semi-skirted, and the right one is a full-skirted plate

Figure 1. Non-skirted, semi-skirted, and full-skirted PCR plates.


The deck of a plate refers to its top surface (Figure 2). The deck design determines fit with thermal cycler or qPCR instrument.

Composite of two 96-well clear plates with the left PCR plate having a flat deck and the right PCR plate with a raised deck

Figure 2. PCR plates with flat and raised decks.

  • The flat deck design provides a universal fit with most thermal cyclers and facilitates sealing and handling.
  • The raised deck design provides optimal fit and performance with specific thermal cyclers by balancing the lid pressure without supporting with adapters.

Barcoded PCR plates by Thermo Scientific

Semi-skirted and full-skirted PCR/qPCR plates may be barcoded for easy recording and tracking in high-throughput experiments (Figure 3). Barcoded PCR plates allow easy sample management and data organization. In addition, barcoded PCR plates are well suited for scanners and robotic handling systems.


Figure 3. PCR and qPCR plate with barcoding.

Another feature that supports easy sample tracking is lettering. Alphanumeric lettering on PCR and qPCR plates helps to identify the location of individual wells. The letters may be printed (Figure 4A) or engraved (Figure 4B). Engraved lettering is suitable for sealing and automated applications. Printed alphanumeric lettering provides a high contrast to the plate making it easier to read.

Right panel shows PCR plate has raised letters and numbers printed in white and left panel has letters and numbers engraved on it.

Figure 4. PCR and qPCR plates with raised and engraved lettering.


A “skirt” of a PCR plate or qPCR plate is a peripheral panel around the plate (Figure 1). A skirt provides stability to the plate during pipetting in reaction setup, and mechanical strength for better handling by robotic instruments. PCR plates and qPCR plates can be categorized as non-skirted, semi-skirted, and full-skirted.

  • Non-skirted PCR plates lack the surrounding panel (Figure 1A). This format fits blocks of most thermal cyclers and real-time PCR instruments, but it is not suitable for robotic applications.
  • Semi-skirted PCR plates have a short panel around the edge of the plate (Figure 1B), helping provide adequate support during pipetting and mechanical strength for robotic handling.
  • Full-skirted PCR plates have a full-height panel surrounding the plate (Figure 1C). This plate format is designed to fit securely over a thermal cycler with a raised block (which facilitates robotic handling). The full skirt also enhances mechanical strength, making it excellent for use with robotic platforms such as automated thermal cyclers.
Three 96-well clear plates: the left one is non-skirted, the center one is semi-skirted, and the right one is a full-skirted plate

Figure 1. Non-skirted, semi-skirted, and full-skirted PCR plates.


The deck of a plate refers to its top surface (Figure 2). The deck design determines fit with thermal cycler or qPCR instrument.

Composite of two 96-well clear plates with the left PCR plate having a flat deck and the right PCR plate with a raised deck

Figure 2. PCR plates with flat and raised decks.

  • The flat deck design provides a universal fit with most thermal cyclers and facilitates sealing and handling.
  • The raised deck design provides optimal fit and performance with specific thermal cyclers by balancing the lid pressure without supporting with adapters.

Barcoded PCR plates by Thermo Scientific

Semi-skirted and full-skirted PCR/qPCR plates may be barcoded for easy recording and tracking in high-throughput experiments (Figure 3). Barcoded PCR plates allow easy sample management and data organization. In addition, barcoded PCR plates are well suited for scanners and robotic handling systems.


Figure 3. PCR and qPCR plate with barcoding.

Another feature that supports easy sample tracking is lettering. Alphanumeric lettering on PCR and qPCR plates helps to identify the location of individual wells. The letters may be printed (Figure 4A) or engraved (Figure 4B). Engraved lettering is suitable for sealing and automated applications. Printed alphanumeric lettering provides a high contrast to the plate making it easier to read.

Right panel shows PCR plate has raised letters and numbers printed in white and left panel has letters and numbers engraved on it.

Figure 4. PCR and qPCR plates with raised and engraved lettering.

Custom barcoded PCR plates

All semi- and full-skirted PCR plates and storage plates can be barcoded. Choose plate type, barcode format, label size, barcode density, sequence, and positioning. The minimum order for custom barcoded products is 10,000 plates. Contact your local representative or customer service for more information.

PCR plates: How-to videos

How to choose PCR plates

This video explains skirt, profile, and barcoding of a PCR plate and helps you choose the correct one for your needs.

How to choose PCR plates for automation

This video discusses the importance of the skirt and the polycarbonate frame of a PCR plate for high-throughput applications with robotic handling.

PCR plate formats

Our PCR plates are made from 100% virgin, medical grade polypropylene that can withstand temperature fluctuations during PCR cycling and are compatible with most commercially available thermal cyclers.

All PCR plates 48-well, 96-well, or 384-well, are designed to deliver accurate and reproducible data from DNA or RNA amplification samples. The number of wells directly impacts how many samples you can process at once. With more wells, you can analyze more samples simultaneously and even automate the process.

We offer a wide variety of plates compatible with most end-point thermal cyclers and qPCR instruments in the market. Depending on the design and specifications of a thermal cycler, some plastics will be better suited for optimal performance. Find the PCR plate that is a great fit for your thermocycler using the PCR and qPCR Selection Tool. All PCR plates DNase-, RNase-, and PCR inhibitor-free. Every plate is visually inspected and tested using an electrostatic pinhole detector, and samples from every lot are run through PCR cycling to test sealing performance.

48-well PCR and qPCR plates

48-well plates typically have a 0.2 mL maximum volume and are convenient to run fewer samples. Thermo-Fast PCR Plate 48-well plates are available in multiple colors and can be used with multichannel pipettes and automated liquid handling systems. Our collection of 48-well PCR plates is available in clear and in many colors.

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96-well PCR plate and qPCR plate offerings

The 96-well plates are available in full-, semi-, and non-skirted formats. They are produced in a variety of colors with white and clear wells. Tables 1 and 2 list our bestselling 96-well PCR plates and qPCR plates.

Table 1. Standard profile 96-well PCR plates

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate typeNon-skirtedSemi-skirtedArmadillo semi-skirted
Catalog numberAB-0600AB-1400AB-2596

Table 2. Low profile 96-well PCR plates

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate typeNon-skirtedSemi-skirtedArmadillo semi-skirted
Catalog numberAB-0700AB-0800AB-2496

384-well PCR plates

Our most popular 384-well PCR and qPCR plate offerings are listed in Table 3.

Table 3. 384-well PCR plates

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate typeStandardExtra volumeArmadillo
Catalog numberAB-1384AB-0937AB-2384

Table 4. Other plates of interest

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate type48-wellArmadillo 96-well strip plates96-well, segmented, semi-skirted, white
Catalog numberAB-0648AB-2796AB-0900W

48-well PCR and qPCR plates

48-well plates typically have a 0.2 mL maximum volume and are convenient to run fewer samples. Thermo-Fast PCR Plate 48-well plates are available in multiple colors and can be used with multichannel pipettes and automated liquid handling systems. Our collection of 48-well PCR plates is available in clear and in many colors.

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96-well PCR plate and qPCR plate offerings

The 96-well plates are available in full-, semi-, and non-skirted formats. They are produced in a variety of colors with white and clear wells. Tables 1 and 2 list our bestselling 96-well PCR plates and qPCR plates.

Table 1. Standard profile 96-well PCR plates

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate typeNon-skirtedSemi-skirtedArmadillo semi-skirted
Catalog numberAB-0600AB-1400AB-2596

Table 2. Low profile 96-well PCR plates

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate typeNon-skirtedSemi-skirtedArmadillo semi-skirted
Catalog numberAB-0700AB-0800AB-2496

384-well PCR plates

Our most popular 384-well PCR and qPCR plate offerings are listed in Table 3.

Table 3. 384-well PCR plates

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate typeStandardExtra volumeArmadillo
Catalog numberAB-1384AB-0937AB-2384

Table 4. Other plates of interest

 Product photoProduct photoProduct photo
Plate type48-wellArmadillo 96-well strip plates96-well, segmented, semi-skirted, white
Catalog numberAB-0648AB-2796AB-0900W

Thermo Scientific qPCR plates

Advantages of white qPCR plates

Although all PCR plates can be used for qPCR experiments, white qPCR plates help provide enhanced signal reflection compared to traditional plates (Figure 5A). The enhanced signal reflection allows increased sensitivity to enable improved detection of low copy number targets.In addition, the white wall minimizes variation across technical replicates by preventing transmission of fluorescence signals to the thermal cycler block where it can be absorbed or inconsistently reflected (Figure 5B).

Panels explaining signal refraction and reflection from clear and white wells at different volumes of reaction

Figure 5. White qPCR plates reflect more signal than clear plates. (A) White wells prevent refraction of fluorescence signals and their absorption by the thermal block in qPCR experiments. (B) White plates reflect significantly more signal than clear plates.

PCR plate accessories

Sealing a PCR plate can help protect your experiment by preventing differential evaporation of samples while in the thermocycler.

Explore sealing options

Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.