Improves analytical consistency and reproducibility, while saving time and money

Improve analytical consistency and reproducibility while saving time and money

No need to manually prepare eluent. Eluent generation (EG) cartridges electrolytically produce high-purity hydroxide, carbonate, and methanesulfonic acid eluents for isocratic and gradient runs in RFIC systems. Just add water.

Eluent generation cartridges

Automate generation of potassium, sodium and lithium hydroxide eluents. The potassium hydroxide cartridge is available in standard pressure (ECG III KOH), high pressure (EGC 500) and capillary high pressure (EGC-KOH capillary) formats. Potassium hydroxide eluent can be used with can be used with hydroxide-selective columns, such as Dionex IonPac AS19, AS18, AS15 capillary columns.  

MSA cartridges are available in standard pressure (ECG III MSA), high pressure (EGC 500) and capillary high pressure (EGC-MSA capillary) formats. MSA eluent can be used with columns such as Dionex IonPac CS12A, CS16, CS18, and CS19 capillary columns.

Generate potassium carbonate eluent electrolytically. This cartridge is used with the Thermo Scientific Dionex Electrolytic pH Modifier for anion separations with carbonate eluent based columns. Carbonate eluent can be used with columns such as Dionex IonPac AS14A columns.

How RFIC-EG works

Systems with Reagent-Free IC Eluent Generation (RFIC-EG) automatically generate high-purity hydroxide, carbonate, bicarbonate or methanesulfonic acid (MSA) eluent electrolytically using Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC Eluent Generator Cartridges. All that’s needed on an RFIC-EG system is a high-purity source of deionized water.

The system will automatically generate eluent at the concentration you indicate, which can follow either an isocratic or gradient method. This means that gradient analyses can be accomplished using an isocratic pump. Eluent is purified on-line using the Thermo Scientific Dionex CR-TC Continuously Regenerated Trap Column, and suppressed electrolytically before detection, without the need to prepare regenerant.

RFIC-EG benefits

RFIC-EG delivers superior results by preventing baseline shift, increasing sensitivity, improving resolution, and ensuring consistent peak integration

  • Improves analytical consistency and reproducibility, day-to-day, system-to-system, lab-to-lab
  • Provides uniform, highly stable eluent concentrations
  • Generates highly reproducible results, with little variability in peak retention times or areas
  • Enables gradient separation with an isocratic pump

EGC-cartridge and system compatibility

Which Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC Eluent Generator Cartridges to Use

 Gradient or Isocratic Hydroxide EGIsocratic Carbonate EGIsocratic Carbonate / Bicarbonate EGGradient or Isocratic MSA EG
Dionex Inuvion with RFICDionex EGC 500 KOHDionex EGC 500 K2CO3Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3 + EPM 500Dionex EGC 500 MSA
Dionex IntegrionDionex EGC III KOH, NaOH+, LiOH+, and EGC 500 KOHDionex EGC 500 K2CO3Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3+ EPM 500Dionex EGC III MSA Cartridge, EGC 500 MSA
Dionex ICS-6000Dionex EGC III KOH, NaOH+, LiOH+, and EGC 500 KOHDionex EGC 500 K2CO3Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3+ EPM 500Dionex EGC III MSA Cartridge, EGC 500 MSA

How RFIC-EG works

Systems with Reagent-Free IC Eluent Generation (RFIC-EG) automatically generate high-purity hydroxide, carbonate, bicarbonate or methanesulfonic acid (MSA) eluent electrolytically using Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC Eluent Generator Cartridges. All that’s needed on an RFIC-EG system is a high-purity source of deionized water.

The system will automatically generate eluent at the concentration you indicate, which can follow either an isocratic or gradient method. This means that gradient analyses can be accomplished using an isocratic pump. Eluent is purified on-line using the Thermo Scientific Dionex CR-TC Continuously Regenerated Trap Column, and suppressed electrolytically before detection, without the need to prepare regenerant.

RFIC-EG benefits

RFIC-EG delivers superior results by preventing baseline shift, increasing sensitivity, improving resolution, and ensuring consistent peak integration

  • Improves analytical consistency and reproducibility, day-to-day, system-to-system, lab-to-lab
  • Provides uniform, highly stable eluent concentrations
  • Generates highly reproducible results, with little variability in peak retention times or areas
  • Enables gradient separation with an isocratic pump

EGC-cartridge and system compatibility

Which Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC Eluent Generator Cartridges to Use

 Gradient or Isocratic Hydroxide EGIsocratic Carbonate EGIsocratic Carbonate / Bicarbonate EGGradient or Isocratic MSA EG
Dionex Inuvion with RFICDionex EGC 500 KOHDionex EGC 500 K2CO3Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3 + EPM 500Dionex EGC 500 MSA
Dionex IntegrionDionex EGC III KOH, NaOH+, LiOH+, and EGC 500 KOHDionex EGC 500 K2CO3Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3+ EPM 500Dionex EGC III MSA Cartridge, EGC 500 MSA
Dionex ICS-6000Dionex EGC III KOH, NaOH+, LiOH+, and EGC 500 KOHDionex EGC 500 K2CO3Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3+ EPM 500Dionex EGC III MSA Cartridge, EGC 500 MSA