Axiom™ CNV Summary Tools Software enables copy number and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis on any Axiom Genotyping Array.

The Axiom CNV summary tools use intensity and genotypes to calculate log2 ratios and B allele frequencies from genotyping data. Also included in the Axiom CNV Summary Tools Software package is the CNV Viewer, which allows visualization of copy number changes across the genome. For a more comprehensive analysis, the Axiom CNV Summary Tools Software files are compatible for use with BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number™ Software and PennCNV Software.

Download information and instructions

To obtain the latest version of Axiom CNV Summary Tools Software please use the link below:

This version is supported on Windows™ 7 (64-bit). Please refer to the release notes for information on installation requirements by selecting the link above.

  • The software automatically calculates log2 ratios and B allele frequencies from Axiom genotyping experiments
  • A simple user interface allows you to easily select Axiom data for CNV analysis (Figure 1)
  • Select samples on the Axiom Array Plate as a reference set, or specify your own reference data
  • The Axiom CNV Viewer lets you visualize data and zoom in for inspection down to a single marker
  • Export files compatible for use with BioDiscovery Nexus Copy Number Software and Penn CNV Software

Technical documentation

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.