
Pull-down is an extension of co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) for the capture and isolation of a target protein (i.e., the antigen) as well as its associated partners. Tag-based IP and pull-down strategies utilize a "bait" protein instead of an antibody to capture protein-interaction targets by utilizing an affinity resin to the bait protein that is biotinylated his-, GST-, c-Myc or HA-tagged.

  • More choices—different strategies to accommodate various labeled bait proteins, elution conditions, and downstream analysis needs
  • Complete—kits include all controls and lysis, binding, wash, and elution buffers
  • Fast—spin columns and collection tubes are included that shorten the protocol and minimize sample handling
  • Flexible—can scale up or down as needed using adaptable protocol
 Pierce Biotinylated Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit EZ-Link Desthiobio-tinylation and Pull-Down Kit Pierce c-Myc Tag IP/Co-IP Kit Pierce HA Tag IP/Co-IP Kit Pierce GST Protein Interaction Pull-Down KitPierce His Protein Interaction Pull-Down Kit
TargetBiotinylated proteinsBiotinylated proteinsc-Myc–tagged recombinant proteinHA-tagged recombinant proteinGST-tagged recombinant proteinHis-tagged recombinant protein
Base beadStreptavidin agarose resin, High-capacity streptavidin agarose resin Anti-c-Myc agarose resin Anti-HA agarose Glutathione agaroseCobalt chelate agarose resin
Binding capacity1–3 mg/mL>10 mg/mL102 nmol/mL>60 nmol/mL8–10 mg/mL10–25 mg/mL
Non-specific bindingLowLowLowerLowerLowestLowest
Elution conditionsLow pH (2.8) BufferMild (free biotin buffer)Low pH (2.0) bufferNon-reducing sample buffer100 mM reduced glutathione 250 mM imidazole solution
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Lane #A. GST-Tag Pull-DownB. PolyHis-Tag Pull-Down
1Lysate from E. coli expressing GST-tagged BIR2 (bait protein).Lysate from E. coli expressing 9xHis-tagged wild-type Smac (bait protein).
2Flow-through from the lysate in Lane 1 bound to an immobilized reduced glutathione support for 1 hour at 4°C.Flow-through from the lysate in Lane 1 bound to an immobilized cobalt chelate support for 1 hour at 4°C.
3Wash #1 of the support.Wash #1 of the support.
4Wash #2 of the support. (Washes 3-5 not shown.)Wash #2 of the support. (Washes 3-5 not shown.)
5Lysate from E. coli expressing 9xHis-tagged wild-type Smac (prey protein).Lysate from E. coli expressing GST-tagged BIR2 (prey protein).
6Flow-through from the lysate in Lane 5 is allowed to interact with the immobilized bait for 1 hour at 4°C.Flow-through from the lysate in Lane 5 is allowed to interact with the immobilized bait for 1 hour at 4°C.
7Wash #1 of the support.Wash #1 of the support.
8Wash #2 of the support. (Washes 3-5 not shown.)Wash #2 of the support. (Washes 3-5 not shown.)
9Bait control. Bait treated as described in Lanes 1-8 and subsequently eluted. No prey added – just binding buffer.Bait control. Bait treated as described in Lanes 1-8 and subsequently eluted. No prey added – just binding buffer.
10Prey control. Prey treated as described in Lanes 1-8 and subsequently eluted. No bait added – just binding buffer.Prey control. Prey treated as described in Lanes 1-8 and subsequently eluted. No bait added – just binding buffer.
11Elution of bait:prey complex (prepared in Lanes 1-8) from the support with 100 mM reduced glutathione. Western blotting confirms that the minor bands observed in Lanes 9 and 11 are degradation products of GST-tagged BIR2.Elution of bait:prey complex (prepared in Lanes 1-8) from the support with 250 mM imidazole.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.