Once the reference sequence for a given organism is completed, you can perform comparative genome sequencing to characterize the genetic diversity within the species or between closely related species.

5500 Genetic Analyzer

For Genetic Variations, the 5500 Genetic Analyzer is the Instrument of Choice

With superior throughput and accuracy, the 5500xl Genetic Analyzer is the platform of choice for cost-effective variant detection. Generating over 20 Gb of sequence a day with up to 99.99% accuracy gives you more mapped reads and less redundancy and “noise.” In addition, significantly higher physical coverage from mate-paired libraries compared to paired-end approaches enables you to get more accurate variant detection with much lower coverage than competitive platforms.

The 5500xl Genetic Analyzer delivers:

  • Superior variant discovery—up to 99.99% accuracy with the Exact Call Chemistry (ECC) module allows detection of variants present in as little as 5% of your sample, with half the coverage needed for 99.0% accuracy
  • Easy analysis—LifeScope™ analysis software gives you intuitive, fully annotated variant detection and reporting
  • Flexible format—choose from fragment, paired-end, or mate-paired libraries of various sizes, and run them in whatever combination you like using the fully configurable 6-lane FlowChip


For Research Use Only. Not intended for any animal or human therapeutic or diagnostic use.

Step-by-Step Guide to Whole Genome Resequencing

Learn More

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

The tools you need for each step in the targeted sequencing workflow:

Data Analysis StepApplied Biosystems Software3rd-Party Software***
1. Align reads to reference in color space
  • ICS
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
2. Generate quality metrics and perform mate pair rescue
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
3. Generate sequencing and alignment statistics
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
4. Identify Polymorphisms
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
5. Translate color space to base space 
6. Visualize in context of annotation
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
7. Convert SRF for publishing  
*** Need XSQ --> csfasta/qual converter

Learn more

Validate results using our VariantSEQr™ Resequencing System, which uses our capillary electrophoresis-based DNA sequencers. For a list of recommended products visit our capillary electrophoresis pages below.

Learn More

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

The tools you need for each step in the targeted sequencing workflow:

Data Analysis StepApplied Biosystems Software3rd-Party Software***
1. Align reads to reference in color space
  • ICS
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
2. Generate quality metrics and perform mate pair rescue
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
3. Generate sequencing and alignment statistics
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
4. Identify Polymorphisms
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
5. Translate color space to base space 
6. Visualize in context of annotation
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
7. Convert SRF for publishing  
*** Need XSQ --> csfasta/qual converter

Learn more

Validate results using our VariantSEQr™ Resequencing System, which uses our capillary electrophoresis-based DNA sequencers. For a list of recommended products visit our capillary electrophoresis pages below.

Application Notes


Step-by-Step Guide to Whole Genome Resequencing

Learn More

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

The tools you need for each step in the targeted sequencing workflow:

Data Analysis StepApplied Biosystems Software3rd-Party Software***
1. Align reads to reference in color space
  • ICS
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
2. Generate quality metrics and perform mate pair rescue
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
3. Generate sequencing and alignment statistics
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
4. Identify Polymorphisms
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
5. Translate color space to base space 
6. Visualize in context of annotation
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
7. Convert SRF for publishing  
*** Need XSQ --> csfasta/qual converter

Learn more

Validate results using our VariantSEQr™ Resequencing System, which uses our capillary electrophoresis-based DNA sequencers. For a list of recommended products visit our capillary electrophoresis pages below.

Learn More

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

User documentation for the 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems can be found on the SOLiD Community.  Access is through the 5500 Series User Hub.  Access is limited to 5500 Series Genetic Analysis Systems users who are registered on the solid community and have been authenticated through the process of requesting permission to join the 5500 Series User Hub.

5500 Series User Hub

The tools you need for each step in the targeted sequencing workflow:

Data Analysis StepApplied Biosystems Software3rd-Party Software***
1. Align reads to reference in color space
  • ICS
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
2. Generate quality metrics and perform mate pair rescue
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
3. Generate sequencing and alignment statistics
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
4. Identify Polymorphisms
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
5. Translate color space to base space 
6. Visualize in context of annotation
  • LifeScope™ Genomic Analysis Software
  • LifeScope™ Cluster
  • LifeScope™ Workstation
7. Convert SRF for publishing  
*** Need XSQ --> csfasta/qual converter

Learn more

Validate results using our VariantSEQr™ Resequencing System, which uses our capillary electrophoresis-based DNA sequencers. For a list of recommended products visit our capillary electrophoresis pages below.

Application Notes


For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.