

First launched in 2016, Charity Run is one of the biggest programs at Thermo Fisher that advocates employee engagement and social impacts. More people participated in the program, more donations we make. More miles participants run, more assistance we provide. Running is not only a way of keeping healthy but also a progress of fundraising. Most marathon runners reported they are proud of themselves for supporting cancer researches, education and programs. As a result, we are contributing to improving national health.

Last year, 1800volunteers participated in supporting the event and we were holding charity run in 10 cities. As of now, in total, there are 12,500 employees engaged in the charity running/ hiking and we created 1.3million RMB donations. Donations are gathered and monitored by organizations like Shanghai Children’s Medical Center and China Women’s Development Foundation to support study of hematological malignancies and female ovarian cancer, to develop patient consultation and to raise social awareness on relevant illnesses in order to prevent indifferences and increase survival rate. The keys to be away from these illnesses are full understanding, preventive habits, early diagnosis and cooperative hospitalization, things of which we are working hard on. Giving is not just about making a donation. It is also about making a difference.