We offer a wide variety of ADME/Tox products for drug discovery and development.


If you know which products you are interested in, please indicate. (Check all that apply)

 Cyropreserved human hepatocytes
 Cryopreserved animal hepatocytes
 Spheroid-qualified hepatocytes/3D culture
 Human Kupffer cells
 Human stellate cells
 Microsomes (human/animal)
 GenoMembrane transporter vesicles (human/animal)
 Human transporter cells
 HepaRG cells
 Hepatocyte growth media
 HepExtend/hepatocyte growth supplements
 Vivid cytochrome P450 assays
 Collagen-coated plates
 Geltrex basement membrane matrix
 Yes, I wish to receive product availability updates and communications via email and other electronic means on the goods and services of Life Technologies.
