
Collaborating as partners to accelerate your discovery

Creating stable cell lines is time-consuming and complex. The trusted, experienced developers of Invitrogen GeneArt TALs and GeneArt CRISPR products can custom-design stable cell lines using one of the most robust and reliable technologies on the market. Utilizing quality products throughout the process, our scientists will work with you to design your stable cell line and perform quality control testing to help ensure that the cell line meets your requirements.



Custom mammalian cell line generation

We have experience working with a wide variety of cell backgrounds ranging from easy-to-transfect cell lines (like HEK 293, 293FT, HCT116, or HeLa) to hard-to-transfect cell lines (like fibroblasts, neuroblastoma-derived, hepatocellular carcinoma, bone marrow–derived, and endothelium-derived cells). Every editing project is unique to the client, based on the modification desired and the cell background; therefore, we provide consultation services to evaluate the technical feasibility of editing in your desired cell line. We take the time to understand your goals.

Our complete portfolio of solutions sets us apart and allows us to achieve maximum efficiencies. We optimize the cell culture conditions and transfection method, and we validate per your specifications, to help ensure you receive the edited cell line you desire. Our services were developed with you as our top priority. We provide a dedicated project manager who will work with you to help meet your research goals and timelines—we’re committed to helping you succeed.

Services we offer

We offer a complete set of editing tools to make virtually any type of cell line, in either stable pool or stable cell line format. GeneArt TAL effectors and CRISPRs are efficient tools for precise genome modifications in mammalian cells. Our experienced cell engineering team will help determine the best-suited technology based on your project. The table below provides you with a list of services available.

Modification option描述Cell lines
Knock-inAdd tags (e.g., luciferase, GFP) to your gene of interest; introduce/correct point mutations; safe harbor KI, SNP editVirtually any mammalian cell line
KnockoutKnock out endogenous gene or introduce deletionsVirtually any mammalian cell line
Gene activation
Activate/up-regulate endogenous gene expression
Virtually any mammalian cell line
Gene repression Virtually any mammalian cell line
Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via random integrationMammalian expression vector
Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via random integration



Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via Flp-In


Flp-In T-REx 293 Cell Line


  • Flp-In-293 Cell Line
  • Flp-In-Jurkat Cell Line
  • Flp-In-BHK Cell Line
  • Flp-In-CHO Cell Line
  • Flp-In-CV-1 Cell Line
  • Flp-In-3T3 Cell Line
Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via Jump-In


  • Jump-In T-REx CHO
  • Jump-In T-REx HEK293
  • Jump-In T-REx U2OS

  • Jump-In U2OS
  • Jump-In CHO-K1
  • Jump-In GripTite HEK 293
  • Jump-In K562

注: We can also generate platforms in your cell line of choice. For any service package above you will receive:

  • Protocol transfer and transfection optimization service
  • Custom TALEN or CRISPR production
  • Validation of custom TALEN or CRISPR efficacy
  • Quality control analysis of stable cell line

Custom-designed packages are available upon request.


How rapidly we can deliver a custom stable pool or stable cell line depends on the cell line, growth characteristics, and culturing requirements. Stable cell line engineering services can be completed in as little as 10 weeks.

Cell Line Design
Tool validation servicesPool validation servicesClonal validation services
Validate TALEN/CRISPR efficacy via GCD assayValidate TALEN/CRISPR efficacy via on-target NGS analysisValidate edit via on-target NGS analysis
Validate TALEN/CRISPR efficacy via on-target NGS assayVerify lack of off-target effects by NGS using Ion AmpliSeq technology (CRISPR only)
Verify lack of off-target effects by NGS using Ion AmpliSeq technology (CRISPR only)
Verify lack of off-target effects by NGS using Ion AmpliSeq technology (CRISPR only)Verify off-target effects by TEG-Seq 
Gene repressionOn-target Sanger sequencing of PCR productsOn-target Sanger sequencing of PCR products
&Insertion and/or excision PCR analysisInsertion and/or excision PCR analysis
 Gene expression analysis using TaqMan AssaysGene expression analysis using TaqMan Assays
 Analyze protein expression via western blotAnalyze protein expression via western blot
 Functional analysis (available upon consultation; our portfolio supports a broad array of detection strategies and probes)Functional analysis (available upon consultation; our portfolio supports a broad array of detection strategies and probes)
  • Transfection optimization service to help ensure suitable delivery of the genome editing tools used for stable cell line generation
  • Antibiotic kill curve validation to determine the ideal antibiotic concentration required to generate the stable cell line (for knock-in (KI) projects)


ngs analysis

On- and off-target analysis

Accelerate your custom project and increase the quality of your cell line engineering with a more stringent QC method. If fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) of single cells is not performed, NGS can remove clonality ambiguities from limiting dilution cloning via testing the expanded cell line that has been edited.

Transfection optimization

Transfection optimization

Expertise in cellular and molecular biology is behind the Invitrogen product portfolio of DNA reagents and consumables—the most cited and trusted transfection and selection systems available. We test several transfection methods prior to determining the best one suited to your cell line. As part of our cell engineering services, we provide you with details on the optimal transfection method and conditions.

Custom mammalian cell line generation

We have experience working with a wide variety of cell backgrounds ranging from easy-to-transfect cell lines (like HEK 293, 293FT, HCT116, or HeLa) to hard-to-transfect cell lines (like fibroblasts, neuroblastoma-derived, hepatocellular carcinoma, bone marrow–derived, and endothelium-derived cells). Every editing project is unique to the client, based on the modification desired and the cell background; therefore, we provide consultation services to evaluate the technical feasibility of editing in your desired cell line. We take the time to understand your goals.

Our complete portfolio of solutions sets us apart and allows us to achieve maximum efficiencies. We optimize the cell culture conditions and transfection method, and we validate per your specifications, to help ensure you receive the edited cell line you desire. Our services were developed with you as our top priority. We provide a dedicated project manager who will work with you to help meet your research goals and timelines—we’re committed to helping you succeed.

Services we offer

We offer a complete set of editing tools to make virtually any type of cell line, in either stable pool or stable cell line format. GeneArt TAL effectors and CRISPRs are efficient tools for precise genome modifications in mammalian cells. Our experienced cell engineering team will help determine the best-suited technology based on your project. The table below provides you with a list of services available.

Modification option描述Cell lines
Knock-inAdd tags (e.g., luciferase, GFP) to your gene of interest; introduce/correct point mutations; safe harbor KI, SNP editVirtually any mammalian cell line
KnockoutKnock out endogenous gene or introduce deletionsVirtually any mammalian cell line
Gene activation
Activate/up-regulate endogenous gene expression
Virtually any mammalian cell line
Gene repression Virtually any mammalian cell line
Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via random integrationMammalian expression vector
Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via random integration



Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via Flp-In


Flp-In T-REx 293 Cell Line


  • Flp-In-293 Cell Line
  • Flp-In-Jurkat Cell Line
  • Flp-In-BHK Cell Line
  • Flp-In-CHO Cell Line
  • Flp-In-CV-1 Cell Line
  • Flp-In-3T3 Cell Line
Expression of exogenous geneIntroduce exogenous gene via Jump-In


  • Jump-In T-REx CHO
  • Jump-In T-REx HEK293
  • Jump-In T-REx U2OS

  • Jump-In U2OS
  • Jump-In CHO-K1
  • Jump-In GripTite HEK 293
  • Jump-In K562

注: We can also generate platforms in your cell line of choice. For any service package above you will receive:

  • Protocol transfer and transfection optimization service
  • Custom TALEN or CRISPR production
  • Validation of custom TALEN or CRISPR efficacy
  • Quality control analysis of stable cell line

Custom-designed packages are available upon request.


How rapidly we can deliver a custom stable pool or stable cell line depends on the cell line, growth characteristics, and culturing requirements. Stable cell line engineering services can be completed in as little as 10 weeks.

Cell Line Design
Tool validation servicesPool validation servicesClonal validation services
Validate TALEN/CRISPR efficacy via GCD assayValidate TALEN/CRISPR efficacy via on-target NGS analysisValidate edit via on-target NGS analysis
Validate TALEN/CRISPR efficacy via on-target NGS assayVerify lack of off-target effects by NGS using Ion AmpliSeq technology (CRISPR only)
Verify lack of off-target effects by NGS using Ion AmpliSeq technology (CRISPR only)
Verify lack of off-target effects by NGS using Ion AmpliSeq technology (CRISPR only)Verify off-target effects by TEG-Seq 
Gene repressionOn-target Sanger sequencing of PCR productsOn-target Sanger sequencing of PCR products
&Insertion and/or excision PCR analysisInsertion and/or excision PCR analysis
 Gene expression analysis using TaqMan AssaysGene expression analysis using TaqMan Assays
 Analyze protein expression via western blotAnalyze protein expression via western blot
 Functional analysis (available upon consultation; our portfolio supports a broad array of detection strategies and probes)Functional analysis (available upon consultation; our portfolio supports a broad array of detection strategies and probes)
  • Transfection optimization service to help ensure suitable delivery of the genome editing tools used for stable cell line generation
  • Antibiotic kill curve validation to determine the ideal antibiotic concentration required to generate the stable cell line (for knock-in (KI) projects)


ngs analysis

On- and off-target analysis

Accelerate your custom project and increase the quality of your cell line engineering with a more stringent QC method. If fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) of single cells is not performed, NGS can remove clonality ambiguities from limiting dilution cloning via testing the expanded cell line that has been edited.

Transfection optimization

Transfection optimization

Expertise in cellular and molecular biology is behind the Invitrogen product portfolio of DNA reagents and consumables—the most cited and trusted transfection and selection systems available. We test several transfection methods prior to determining the best one suited to your cell line. As part of our cell engineering services, we provide you with details on the optimal transfection method and conditions.


Let’s work together to get your genome engineering project started

Discover how our off-the-shelf product portfolio and outsourced services can meet your needs. Contact our dedicated technical support team with any questions, or get started on your services project today.

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