Molecular advancements have led to the expansion of the poultry sector over the last few decades. Use of the Applied Biosystems Axiom platform in your poultry breeding programs can assist in the development of genetically superior birds capable of higher production and improved feed efficiency.


Applications of an Axiom 54K array in a poultry primary breeding company webinar

Applications of an Axiom 54K array in a poultry primary breeding company

Founded in 1936, Hy-Line International was the first of the modern layer genetics companies to incorporate hybridization and the explosive potential of hybrid vigor into its breeding program on a commercial scale and to use it alongside time-tested methods of genetic selection coupled with scientific statistical analysis to develop and improve one of the world's most extensive gene pools.



Axiom expert catalog genotyping arrays

Our catalog array-based genotyping solutions are ideal for the identification, validation, and screening of complex genetic traits in plants and animals. Choose from our wide variety of predesigned arrays.

These low-, medium-, and high-density arrays offer the power and resolution for a wide range of applications in plant and animal breeding and genomics. These applications include studying marker-trait association, evaluating elite lines, and identifying multi-line reference populations, as well as research applications for genome wide analysis and selective sweep analysis studies.


Axiom myDesign custom genotyping arrays

Our catalog array-based genotyping solutions are ideal for the identification, validation, and screening of complex genetic traits in plants and animals. Choose from our wide variety of predesigned arrays.

Axiom myDesign custom Arrays give you the power to develop an effective array for genome-wide association, replication, fine mapping, and candidate gene studies in any species.

With Axiom myDesign custom genotyping arrays, fully- or semi-customized arrays containing 300 to 2.6 million markers can be designed. Use variants you provide, or choose SNPs from our Axiom Genomic Database, the world's largest resource of genotype-tested SNPs.

Multiple-species arrays are supported without any restriction on number of markers per species.


Robust SNP screening methods for de novo marker verification and selection
Axiom Chicken genotyping array data sheet
Development of a high density 600K SNP genotyping array for chicken
Style Sheet for Global Design System
