Read the stories

GeneArt It… with GeneArt Gene Synthesis and Optimization

Have you ever lacked the time to clone your favorite gene? You should consider gene synthesis, sometimes referred to as synthetic biology. Whether you need industry-leading gene synthesis services or optimized protein expression, or want to outsource the entire process to protein and cell line production, GeneArt products and services can help you succeed.

Customer stories

Aniruddha Paul

Aniruddha Paul

R&D Scientist
Novozymes South Asia Pvt. Ltd.

Do you use gene synthesis in your research? And if so, why?
We have been ordering for the past two and half years. I have ordered around 70 genes until now. I feel as if I am a part of the GeneArt team. I am very happy with the response time. Fantastic service.

Novozymes is a hard-core biotech company. The company’s focus is research, development, and production of industrial enzymes, microorganisms, and biopharmaceutical ingredients.

Research topic – To find new proteins/enzymes. Find novel genes which might be used in the future for producing industrial enzymes. We clone the interesting genes, express, purify, and then decide whether to go ahead with it or not. I use GeneArt services mostly for gene synthesis.

What additional GeneArt™ services do you use with your synthetic genes?
We also use the cloning service. We usually get the subclones from GeneArt either in the vector which we have provided or the one provided by GeneArt. We also use the plasmid prep service. If the gene is ready to use (vector subclone) then we multiply using transformation and then start. This saves time.

How has GeneArt™ gene synthesis impacted your research?
There are some novel genes for which the sequences are available but the microbes are not easily available. GeneArt has helped us in synthesis of these genes. This saves us a lot of time and we can focus on other areas of our lab work.

What do you like best about GeneArt gene synthesis?
I like the quality and the support GeneArt provides. I am very happy with the response time and the after-sales support.

Do you use gene optimization? Why?
Yes, because it makes expression more reliable.

How important is product quality?
The quality of the product is extremely important; we cannot compromise on the quality.

Would you recommend GeneArt gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
Yes, definitely.


Seokjoong Kim, PhD

Research Scientist Director
ToolGen Genome Engineering

Do you use gene synthesis in your research? And if so, why?
Yes, gene synthesis services are really changing the experience. There’s no extra planning or reagents, and multistep cloning can now be done in less time. This allows the focus to be on planning and not cloning. PCR cloning takes so much time, and now I don’t design primers any more—just design the final product and wait. Then I can spend time on what matters. Cloning is no longer the desired end state, so why do it?

Do you use GeneArt Gene synthesis? And if so, why?
Yes, I am impressed with the speed of GeneArt. I still do cloning for certain projects, but for a one-time project I will use gene synthesis. I switched from other providers about a year and half ago because of GeneArt’s name, good sales representation, professional advice, and turn-around time (including the express service as needed). I also find the online GeneObserver very convenient and helpful.

How has GeneArt Gene synthesis impacted your research?
I use gene synthesis in pMX to do in-house knock-in cell engineering. We prefer saving time and personal power via outsourcing to GeneArt, then we can do things that can’t be outsourced. Gene synthesis forces us to think of the final product up front, so our cloning skills get sharpened and you can see things more comprehensively. I used to use gene synthesis just for unusual sequences that we couldn’t get by cloning, but now I use it for most projects, especially those that are multi-step.

What do you like best about GeneArt Gene synthesis?
Multistep cloning can now be done in less time, allowing the focus to be on planning and not the cloning itself. PCR cloning takes so much time—I don’t design primers any more; I just design the final product and wait. And then I can spend time on what matters.

How does GeneArt Gene synthesis compare to similar products, from competitors?
I used to use other providers, but I’m impressed with GeneArt’s speed and pricing.

How important is product quality?
The quality of the sequence can’t be compromised, as this is the point of the service.

Tell us about your ordering experience. How could ordering synthetic DNA be made easier or more convenient?
I use the online GeneArt portal to get quotes, and I check status of orders with the GeneObserver feature. With other companies, emailing back and forth is problematic.

Once you received your GeneArt Gene synthesis, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
Yes, I just maxi prep and then transfect for cell line generation.

Would you recommend GeneArt Gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
Of course. In general, I think of gene synthesis to manage my lab more efficiently, especially with the time spend cloning and plating.


Krishna Chaitanya, PhD

Department of Inner Medicine
HUG - Oncology Service
University Hospital Geneva

My name is Krishna Chaitanya, working as a post doctoral research scientist in University hospital Geneva (HUG). I work in the field of Adoptive T cell Therapy (ACT) for treating brain cancers. For this work, I generate various chimeric receptors which require complex gene synthesis. I approached GeneArt for the first time in May 2014 for my first set of genes to be synthesized. To my experience, I found their service very user friendly.

Particularly, my GeneArt specialists were very prompt, efficient and resourceful in answering all my questions. GeneArt really considered our project limitations and offered us the best price for gene synthesis that one can ever find. I personally compared all the companies with GeneArt (for gene synthesis) and found GeneArt, very reliable, efficient and punctual to its time frame. They provide, 100% sequence verification, full design flexibility and codon-optimization features. I have used their service more than 5-6 times in a period of 1.5 years and never once was I dissatisfied with their treatment (in terms of ordering, price and turn-around time). Personally, the good natured reciprocation of their technical sales personnel has been immaculate.

They provide with high quality synthesized gene products which are ready-to-go with no errors whatsoever. Even genes as long as 20 kb are synthesized with absolute efficiency and fidelity and cloned precisely as desired. I absolutely recommend GeneArt for synthetic gene production. GeneArt keeps proving its excellence in the field of gene synthesis and keeps pushing the bar higher and higher.


Jessica Kubicek-Sutherland, PhD

Uppsala University
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology

Why do you use gene synthesis? Why do you use GeneArt™ Gene Synthesis and Optimization Services as your gene synthesis provider?
We obtained a collection of 80 coding sequences from a collaborator, but the physical DNA fragments were unavailable. In order to characterize these genes we needed to have them synthesized and cloned into an inducible expression vector. I requested quotes from many gene synthesis companies, and GeneArt not only offered the lowest price but also provided the best customer service experience.

What additional GeneArt services do you use with your synthetic genes?
In addition to gene synthesis, GeneArt created a custom inducible expression vector from scratch to fit our project needs. Further, once our custom vector was complete, GeneArt subcloned all of our synthesized genes into our custom vector for us. These additional services have saved us a tremendous amount of time and allowed us to rapidly proceed with a project that would have otherwise likely taken years to get to this stage.

How has GeneArt gene synthesis impacted your research?
GeneArt gene synthesis, vector construction, and subcloning have allowed us to progress very rapidly on a large-scale project that would have otherwise been very tedious and time-consuming to complete ourselves.

What do you like best about GeneArt gene synthesis?
The most important benefit to me is the customer service that GeneArt provides. From the beginning, there have been many people involved in the execution of our large and complicated project. I have always received prompt and professional responses to my inquiries as well as routine updates on the status of our project. The GeneArt scientists are very knowledgeable and have been tremendously helpful in providing their scientific expertise on all aspects of our project, from gene synthesis strategies to vector design and construction.

How does GeneArt gene synthesis compare to similar products, from competitors?
Of all the companies we spoke with about this project, GeneArt provided the cheapest price by far. The turnaround time was very rapid and the product quality is very high.

Tell us about your ordering experience.
I placed orders to GeneArt via email due to the large-scale and complicated nature of our project. GeneArt immediately followed up with a conference call to talk through our specific project goals. I was immediately reassured by the amount of experience and insight presented by their scientists, starting from our very first communication. The ordering process was very quick and easy.

Once you received your GeneArt gene synthesis products, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
The gene synthesis products that we received were clearly labeled and easy to work with from the moment we received them. The quality was fantastic, and all relevant information (sequence files, construct maps, etc.) were delivered in an organized format on an attached CD.

Would you recommend GeneArt gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
Absolutely! Other members of our lab as well as several collaborators are now using GeneArt in various ways to enhance their own research projects following our recommendation.


Rohit Singh, PhD

National Cancer Center
Seoul, South Korea

Do you use GeneArt™ gene synthesis? And if so, why?
Yes, the primary reason being to save time. I’ve been a customer of GeneArt since 2006-7.

How has GeneArt gene synthesis impacted your research?
I’ve stopped amplifying DNA from cDNA, and thus save time and reagents. Also, I get more protein per transfection.

What do you like best about GeneArt gene synthesis?
I’m more than satisfied with optimized protein─I get more yield and more stable protein.

Do you use GeneArt gene optimization? Why?
Yes, I optimize for protein expression and antibody production.

How does GeneArt gene synthesis compare to similar products, or differ from competitors?
I have tried using other providers and optimization algorithms, but found that GeneArt GeneOptimizer is the best.

How important is product quality? What quality would be good enough?
Of primary importance is what affects my work directly, so quality first, then turnaround time second. Price is less importance─I’m willing to pay for quality.

Once you received your GeneArt gene synthesis, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
Yes, I do minipreps of the pMX vector and then subclone using restriction enzymes. I use optimized genes and Expi293™ cells together and get approximately 200 mg/L protein.

What do you do with the time you save?
I screen antibody libraries, make protein, and do animal experiments—things I need to do myself and cannot outsource.

What would you like to see as advances in synthetic biology products?
Something along the lines of “ProteinArt”─incorporating synthetic amino acids.

Would you recommend GeneArt gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
I do. Go for GeneArt!


Zmapp Story

Mapp Biopharmaceutical was seeking to improve expression of several monoclonal antibodies that are part of their Ebola ZMapp™ therapy. With GeneArt gene optimization, antibody yield was substantially enhanced by testing different nucleotide variants of the heavy and light chain genes. Gene synthesis and subcloning services provided by the GeneArt team led to speedy evaluation of these variants.

Numerous global pharmaceutical companies rely on GeneArt gene optimization and gene synthesis for enhancement of their protein therapeutics, predominantly monoclonal antibodies in mammalian cells. The collaboration with Mapp Biopharmaceutical, which manufactures ZMapp™ antibodies in a relative of tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana), demonstrates how GeneArt GeneOptimizer technology can also be used for plant expression.

Quote from Michael Pauly, CSO:

“The excellent web interface, ease of ordering, great customer support and improved protein expression all make GeneArt an important part of our drug development pipeline. We especially appreciate their willingness to respond very rapidly to our urgent requests for new reagents during the recent Ebola epidemic."

Photo in left was taken by Chandres (Own work) and is copyrighted. , via Wikimedia Commons. Note: This permission only extends to this work at this link

This file is licensed under the creative commons Attribution-Share alike 3.0 Unported license.

Aniruddha Paul

Aniruddha Paul

R&D Scientist
Novozymes South Asia Pvt. Ltd.

Do you use gene synthesis in your research? And if so, why?
We have been ordering for the past two and half years. I have ordered around 70 genes until now. I feel as if I am a part of the GeneArt team. I am very happy with the response time. Fantastic service.

Novozymes is a hard-core biotech company. The company’s focus is research, development, and production of industrial enzymes, microorganisms, and biopharmaceutical ingredients.

Research topic – To find new proteins/enzymes. Find novel genes which might be used in the future for producing industrial enzymes. We clone the interesting genes, express, purify, and then decide whether to go ahead with it or not. I use GeneArt services mostly for gene synthesis.

What additional GeneArt™ services do you use with your synthetic genes?
We also use the cloning service. We usually get the subclones from GeneArt either in the vector which we have provided or the one provided by GeneArt. We also use the plasmid prep service. If the gene is ready to use (vector subclone) then we multiply using transformation and then start. This saves time.

How has GeneArt™ gene synthesis impacted your research?
There are some novel genes for which the sequences are available but the microbes are not easily available. GeneArt has helped us in synthesis of these genes. This saves us a lot of time and we can focus on other areas of our lab work.

What do you like best about GeneArt gene synthesis?
I like the quality and the support GeneArt provides. I am very happy with the response time and the after-sales support.

Do you use gene optimization? Why?
Yes, because it makes expression more reliable.

How important is product quality?
The quality of the product is extremely important; we cannot compromise on the quality.

Would you recommend GeneArt gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
Yes, definitely.


Seokjoong Kim, PhD

Research Scientist Director
ToolGen Genome Engineering

Do you use gene synthesis in your research? And if so, why?
Yes, gene synthesis services are really changing the experience. There’s no extra planning or reagents, and multistep cloning can now be done in less time. This allows the focus to be on planning and not cloning. PCR cloning takes so much time, and now I don’t design primers any more—just design the final product and wait. Then I can spend time on what matters. Cloning is no longer the desired end state, so why do it?

Do you use GeneArt Gene synthesis? And if so, why?
Yes, I am impressed with the speed of GeneArt. I still do cloning for certain projects, but for a one-time project I will use gene synthesis. I switched from other providers about a year and half ago because of GeneArt’s name, good sales representation, professional advice, and turn-around time (including the express service as needed). I also find the online GeneObserver very convenient and helpful.

How has GeneArt Gene synthesis impacted your research?
I use gene synthesis in pMX to do in-house knock-in cell engineering. We prefer saving time and personal power via outsourcing to GeneArt, then we can do things that can’t be outsourced. Gene synthesis forces us to think of the final product up front, so our cloning skills get sharpened and you can see things more comprehensively. I used to use gene synthesis just for unusual sequences that we couldn’t get by cloning, but now I use it for most projects, especially those that are multi-step.

What do you like best about GeneArt Gene synthesis?
Multistep cloning can now be done in less time, allowing the focus to be on planning and not the cloning itself. PCR cloning takes so much time—I don’t design primers any more; I just design the final product and wait. And then I can spend time on what matters.

How does GeneArt Gene synthesis compare to similar products, from competitors?
I used to use other providers, but I’m impressed with GeneArt’s speed and pricing.

How important is product quality?
The quality of the sequence can’t be compromised, as this is the point of the service.

Tell us about your ordering experience. How could ordering synthetic DNA be made easier or more convenient?
I use the online GeneArt portal to get quotes, and I check status of orders with the GeneObserver feature. With other companies, emailing back and forth is problematic.

Once you received your GeneArt Gene synthesis, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
Yes, I just maxi prep and then transfect for cell line generation.

Would you recommend GeneArt Gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
Of course. In general, I think of gene synthesis to manage my lab more efficiently, especially with the time spend cloning and plating.


Krishna Chaitanya, PhD

Department of Inner Medicine
HUG - Oncology Service
University Hospital Geneva

My name is Krishna Chaitanya, working as a post doctoral research scientist in University hospital Geneva (HUG). I work in the field of Adoptive T cell Therapy (ACT) for treating brain cancers. For this work, I generate various chimeric receptors which require complex gene synthesis. I approached GeneArt for the first time in May 2014 for my first set of genes to be synthesized. To my experience, I found their service very user friendly.

Particularly, my GeneArt specialists were very prompt, efficient and resourceful in answering all my questions. GeneArt really considered our project limitations and offered us the best price for gene synthesis that one can ever find. I personally compared all the companies with GeneArt (for gene synthesis) and found GeneArt, very reliable, efficient and punctual to its time frame. They provide, 100% sequence verification, full design flexibility and codon-optimization features. I have used their service more than 5-6 times in a period of 1.5 years and never once was I dissatisfied with their treatment (in terms of ordering, price and turn-around time). Personally, the good natured reciprocation of their technical sales personnel has been immaculate.

They provide with high quality synthesized gene products which are ready-to-go with no errors whatsoever. Even genes as long as 20 kb are synthesized with absolute efficiency and fidelity and cloned precisely as desired. I absolutely recommend GeneArt for synthetic gene production. GeneArt keeps proving its excellence in the field of gene synthesis and keeps pushing the bar higher and higher.


Jessica Kubicek-Sutherland, PhD

Uppsala University
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology

Why do you use gene synthesis? Why do you use GeneArt™ Gene Synthesis and Optimization Services as your gene synthesis provider?
We obtained a collection of 80 coding sequences from a collaborator, but the physical DNA fragments were unavailable. In order to characterize these genes we needed to have them synthesized and cloned into an inducible expression vector. I requested quotes from many gene synthesis companies, and GeneArt not only offered the lowest price but also provided the best customer service experience.

What additional GeneArt services do you use with your synthetic genes?
In addition to gene synthesis, GeneArt created a custom inducible expression vector from scratch to fit our project needs. Further, once our custom vector was complete, GeneArt subcloned all of our synthesized genes into our custom vector for us. These additional services have saved us a tremendous amount of time and allowed us to rapidly proceed with a project that would have otherwise likely taken years to get to this stage.

How has GeneArt gene synthesis impacted your research?
GeneArt gene synthesis, vector construction, and subcloning have allowed us to progress very rapidly on a large-scale project that would have otherwise been very tedious and time-consuming to complete ourselves.

What do you like best about GeneArt gene synthesis?
The most important benefit to me is the customer service that GeneArt provides. From the beginning, there have been many people involved in the execution of our large and complicated project. I have always received prompt and professional responses to my inquiries as well as routine updates on the status of our project. The GeneArt scientists are very knowledgeable and have been tremendously helpful in providing their scientific expertise on all aspects of our project, from gene synthesis strategies to vector design and construction.

How does GeneArt gene synthesis compare to similar products, from competitors?
Of all the companies we spoke with about this project, GeneArt provided the cheapest price by far. The turnaround time was very rapid and the product quality is very high.

Tell us about your ordering experience.
I placed orders to GeneArt via email due to the large-scale and complicated nature of our project. GeneArt immediately followed up with a conference call to talk through our specific project goals. I was immediately reassured by the amount of experience and insight presented by their scientists, starting from our very first communication. The ordering process was very quick and easy.

Once you received your GeneArt gene synthesis products, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
The gene synthesis products that we received were clearly labeled and easy to work with from the moment we received them. The quality was fantastic, and all relevant information (sequence files, construct maps, etc.) were delivered in an organized format on an attached CD.

Would you recommend GeneArt gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
Absolutely! Other members of our lab as well as several collaborators are now using GeneArt in various ways to enhance their own research projects following our recommendation.


Rohit Singh, PhD

National Cancer Center
Seoul, South Korea

Do you use GeneArt™ gene synthesis? And if so, why?
Yes, the primary reason being to save time. I’ve been a customer of GeneArt since 2006-7.

How has GeneArt gene synthesis impacted your research?
I’ve stopped amplifying DNA from cDNA, and thus save time and reagents. Also, I get more protein per transfection.

What do you like best about GeneArt gene synthesis?
I’m more than satisfied with optimized protein─I get more yield and more stable protein.

Do you use GeneArt gene optimization? Why?
Yes, I optimize for protein expression and antibody production.

How does GeneArt gene synthesis compare to similar products, or differ from competitors?
I have tried using other providers and optimization algorithms, but found that GeneArt GeneOptimizer is the best.

How important is product quality? What quality would be good enough?
Of primary importance is what affects my work directly, so quality first, then turnaround time second. Price is less importance─I’m willing to pay for quality.

Once you received your GeneArt gene synthesis, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
Yes, I do minipreps of the pMX vector and then subclone using restriction enzymes. I use optimized genes and Expi293™ cells together and get approximately 200 mg/L protein.

What do you do with the time you save?
I screen antibody libraries, make protein, and do animal experiments—things I need to do myself and cannot outsource.

What would you like to see as advances in synthetic biology products?
Something along the lines of “ProteinArt”─incorporating synthetic amino acids.

Would you recommend GeneArt gene synthesis (or any other GeneArt product or service) to others?
I do. Go for GeneArt!


Zmapp Story

Mapp Biopharmaceutical was seeking to improve expression of several monoclonal antibodies that are part of their Ebola ZMapp™ therapy. With GeneArt gene optimization, antibody yield was substantially enhanced by testing different nucleotide variants of the heavy and light chain genes. Gene synthesis and subcloning services provided by the GeneArt team led to speedy evaluation of these variants.

Numerous global pharmaceutical companies rely on GeneArt gene optimization and gene synthesis for enhancement of their protein therapeutics, predominantly monoclonal antibodies in mammalian cells. The collaboration with Mapp Biopharmaceutical, which manufactures ZMapp™ antibodies in a relative of tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana), demonstrates how GeneArt GeneOptimizer technology can also be used for plant expression.

Quote from Michael Pauly, CSO:

“The excellent web interface, ease of ordering, great customer support and improved protein expression all make GeneArt an important part of our drug development pipeline. We especially appreciate their willingness to respond very rapidly to our urgent requests for new reagents during the recent Ebola epidemic."

Photo in left was taken by Chandres (Own work) and is copyrighted. , via Wikimedia Commons. Note: This permission only extends to this work at this link

This file is licensed under the creative commons Attribution-Share alike 3.0 Unported license.

Other quotes


Travis Maures, PhD

BioMarin Pharmaceutical
Uses GeneArt CRISPR Nuclease mRNA for Cas9-based genome engineering:

“In the last month, we've really tried to nail down the GeneArt cleavage assay, and I think we're there. Without that readout, it's impossible to know the efficiency. GeneArt has been awesome, by the way; the polymerase and lysis buffer are a life-saver… Nothing works better!”

Jessica Kubicek-Sutherland, PhD

Uppsala University
Uses GeneArt gene synthesis for gene characterization and vector construction:

“I’m on vacation while your little elves are making my clones!”

Jan Reyelt

Genebridges, GmbH
Uses GeneArt Gene Synthesis services

“Our company has ordered your gene synthesis services for many years now… We are highly satisfied with your services and customer support. You may be sure that we will order our full synthetic constructs with you in the future.”
Zika virus

Thomas Battersby

Research & Development, Zika Team Lead
Molecular Diagnostics, Siemens Healthineers

“We used Thermo Fisher Scientific for our gene synthesis needs in creating a Zika assay. With GeneArt Gene Synthesis, we were able to generate DNA constructs that were used in developing the VERSANT Zika RNA 1.0 Assay (kPCR). This has helped us generate our first real-time Zika kit… as we all work to address this important global issue.”

GeneArt It… with GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments

Why choose GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?

Conventional PCR and cloning techniques require optimization and troubleshooting, which take up valuable lab time and resources. What if you could have your favorite gene made for you, using a method that’s analogous to an optimized, error-free PCR reaction? Save time and money with GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments—they’re molecular cloning made easy!

Video testimonials

Customer stories


Fred Chedin

Associate Professor
UC Davis Genome Center
Molecular and Cellular Biology

Why do you use GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
Our goal is to express human proteins in E. coli to purify them and characterize them biochemically. My experience is that traditional methods (produce a cDNA, clone it, validate it, try to express it) are lengthy and inefficient especially given the challenges of suboptimal codon usage between human and E. coli. GeneArt Strings fragments allow us to bypass all these steps and clone in an optimized gene fragment that is expression-ready.

How have GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments impacted your research?
Strings fragments have permitted a tremendous gain in productivity.

What do you like best about GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
Ordering a custom-built gene fragment is made so easy. And the quality of the product is fantastic. One can go from receiving a Strings fragment to expressing the protein in a matter of 2–3 days.

How do GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments compare to similar products?
I have not tested other companies. And I’m not about to—Strings fragments offer everything I need at a good price.

What was your ordering experience like?
Very smooth, easy, user-friendly.

Have you used the online GeneArt portal for gene optimization?
Yes, and it works incredibly well.

Once you received your GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
Yes, the fragments were cloned in a matter of 2 days, and successful protein expression was obtained another 2 days later.

Would you recommend GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments to others?
Absolutely. I can’t conceive of going back to traditional cloning myself, given the gains in productivity that Strings fragments afford you.


James Lucas

UC Davis Biochemistry
Member of the Grand Prize–winning team of the 2014 iGEM Competition

Why do you use GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments, and how have they impacted your research?
For the UC Davis 2014 iGEM project, we needed to screen a large number of enzymes for unique substrate specificities. GeneArt Strings fragments made it extremely straightforward to order our desired genes and construct our expression plasmids with Gibson assembly. This allowed us to minimize the time between identifying enzyme sequences and experimentally characterizing these enzymes in the lab. Within the timeframe of an iGEM project, accelerating this process was extremely important to the success of our project!

What do you like best about GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
My favorite aspect of GeneArt Strings fragments is how convenient it is to customize and order DNA. The online project manager lets you modify genes by adding 3’ and 5’ cloning sites, protecting against certain restriction sites, and optimizing sequences for expression in different chassis. The project manager interface is extremely intuitive and makes ordering GeneArt Strings fragments quick and painless.

What was your ordering experience like?
Ordering GeneArt Strings fragments is quick and efficient. It takes only about 10 minutes to order genes, and they arrive a week later ready for cloning.

Have you used the online GeneArt portal for gene optimization?
Yes, the online portal for gene optimization is extremely easy to use. Once you are finished specifying cloning sites and restriction sites to avoid, optimization is as simple as selecting your chassis in a dropdown menu. It takes less than a minute and your genes are optimized and ready to go!

Once you received your GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
On the same day as receiving my GeneArt Strings fragments, I use Gibson assembly to construct my plasmids and transform them into BLR strainEscherichia coli for enzyme expression.

Would you recommend GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments to others?


Kathryn Guggenheim

Postdoctoral fellow
UC Davis Genome Center

Why do you use GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
For transformation into E. coli and expression of encoded protein of interest for characterization.

How have GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments impacted your research?
They have saved weeks to months of busy work.

What do you like best about GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
That they have saved weeks to months of busy work.

How do GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments compare to similar products?
I have not ordered full genes from other companies before.

What was your ordering experience like?
Very easy and user-friendly ordering process.

Have you used the online GeneArt portal for gene optimization?
Yes, it is very straightforward.

Once you received your GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?

Would you recommend GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments to others?


Fred Chedin

Associate Professor
UC Davis Genome Center
Molecular and Cellular Biology

Why do you use GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
Our goal is to express human proteins in E. coli to purify them and characterize them biochemically. My experience is that traditional methods (produce a cDNA, clone it, validate it, try to express it) are lengthy and inefficient especially given the challenges of suboptimal codon usage between human and E. coli. GeneArt Strings fragments allow us to bypass all these steps and clone in an optimized gene fragment that is expression-ready.

How have GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments impacted your research?
Strings fragments have permitted a tremendous gain in productivity.

What do you like best about GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
Ordering a custom-built gene fragment is made so easy. And the quality of the product is fantastic. One can go from receiving a Strings fragment to expressing the protein in a matter of 2–3 days.

How do GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments compare to similar products?
I have not tested other companies. And I’m not about to—Strings fragments offer everything I need at a good price.

What was your ordering experience like?
Very smooth, easy, user-friendly.

Have you used the online GeneArt portal for gene optimization?
Yes, and it works incredibly well.

Once you received your GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
Yes, the fragments were cloned in a matter of 2 days, and successful protein expression was obtained another 2 days later.

Would you recommend GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments to others?
Absolutely. I can’t conceive of going back to traditional cloning myself, given the gains in productivity that Strings fragments afford you.


James Lucas

UC Davis Biochemistry
Member of the Grand Prize–winning team of the 2014 iGEM Competition

Why do you use GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments, and how have they impacted your research?
For the UC Davis 2014 iGEM project, we needed to screen a large number of enzymes for unique substrate specificities. GeneArt Strings fragments made it extremely straightforward to order our desired genes and construct our expression plasmids with Gibson assembly. This allowed us to minimize the time between identifying enzyme sequences and experimentally characterizing these enzymes in the lab. Within the timeframe of an iGEM project, accelerating this process was extremely important to the success of our project!

What do you like best about GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
My favorite aspect of GeneArt Strings fragments is how convenient it is to customize and order DNA. The online project manager lets you modify genes by adding 3’ and 5’ cloning sites, protecting against certain restriction sites, and optimizing sequences for expression in different chassis. The project manager interface is extremely intuitive and makes ordering GeneArt Strings fragments quick and painless.

What was your ordering experience like?
Ordering GeneArt Strings fragments is quick and efficient. It takes only about 10 minutes to order genes, and they arrive a week later ready for cloning.

Have you used the online GeneArt portal for gene optimization?
Yes, the online portal for gene optimization is extremely easy to use. Once you are finished specifying cloning sites and restriction sites to avoid, optimization is as simple as selecting your chassis in a dropdown menu. It takes less than a minute and your genes are optimized and ready to go!

Once you received your GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments, were you ready to proceed to your experiment?
On the same day as receiving my GeneArt Strings fragments, I use Gibson assembly to construct my plasmids and transform them into BLR strainEscherichia coli for enzyme expression.

Would you recommend GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments to others?


Kathryn Guggenheim

Postdoctoral fellow
UC Davis Genome Center

Why do you use GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
For transformation into E. coli and expression of encoded protein of interest for characterization.

How have GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments impacted your research?
They have saved weeks to months of busy work.

What do you like best about GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments?
That they have saved weeks to months of busy work.

How do GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments compare to similar products?
I have not ordered full genes from other companies before.

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Very easy and user-friendly ordering process.

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Yes, it is very straightforward.

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Dr. Hans-Ulrich Schmoldt

BioNTech AG, Germany
Used GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments for a 15-position alanine scan:

“I just wanted to give you feedback regarding your tip with String synthesis for an Alanine Scan. I must say I am really enthusiastic. I cloned the 15 Strings directly without PCR amplification and then sent 6 clones each for sequencing. Nearly all clones where correct, that means that I could finalize all clonings within 1.5 weeks.”

Citations for GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments

  1. Alam M et al. (2016) Enhanced antibody-mediated neutralization of HIV-1 variants that are resistant to fusion inhibitors. Retrovirology 13(1):70.
  2. Alemdar S et al. (2015) Heterologous Expression, Purification, and Biochemical Characterization of α-Humulene Synthase. Appl Biochem Biotechnol ePub ahead of print.
  3. Bonsor DA et al. (2015) Structure of the N-terminal dimerization domain of CEACAM7. Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun 71 (pt 9):1169–1175.
  4. Cho MJ et al. (2016) Determinants of VH1-46 Cross-Reactivity to Pemphigus Vulgaris Autoantigen Desmoglein 3 and Rotavirus Antigen VP6. J Immunol ePub ahead of print.
  5. Cunniff B et al. (2016) AMPK activity regulates trafficking of mitochondria to the leading edge during cell migration and matrix invasion. Mol Biol Cel, ePub ahead of print.
  6. Dettmer U et al. (2015) KTKEGV repeat motifs are key mediators of normal α-synuclein tetramerization: Their mutation causes excess monomers and neurotoxicity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112 (31):9596–9601.
  7. deVries SP et al. (2015) Motility defects in Campylobacter jejuni defined gene deletion mutants caused by second-site mutations. Microbiology ePub ahead of print.
  8. Dickson JR, Kruse C, Montagna DR et al. (2013) Alternative polyadenylation and miR-34 family members regulate tau expression. J Neurochem 127(6):739–749.
  9. Eaton HE et al (2017) African swine fever virus NP868R capping enzyme promotes reovirus rescue during reverse genetics by promoting reovirus protein expression, virion assembly, and RNA incorporation into infectious virions. J Virol ePub ahead of print.
  10. Florea M et al. (2016) Engineering control of bacterial cellulose production using a genetic toolkit and a new cellulose producing strain. PNAS ePub ahead of print.
  11. Gu M et al. (2017) Patient-Specific iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cells Uncover Pathways that Protect against Pulmonary Hypertension in BMPR2 Mutation Carriers. Cell Stem Cell 20(4):490–504.
  12. Hartwig S, Frister T, Alemdar S et al. (2014) Expression, purification and activity assay of apatchoulol synthase cDNA variant fused to thioredoxin in Escherichia coli. Protein Expr Purif  97:61–71.
  13. Hartwig S, Frister T, Alemdar S et al. (2015) SUMO-fusion, purification, and characterization of a (+)-zizaene synthase from Chrysopogon zizanioides. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 458 (4):883–889.
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  17. Hutchins EJ et al. (2015) Phosphorylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K at an extracellular signal-regulated kinase phosphorylation site promotes neurofilament-medium protein expression and axon outgrowth in Xenopus.Neuroscience Letters 607:59–65.
  18. Hüttner, C et al. (2016) Designing Efficient Double RNA trans-Splicing Molecules for Targeted RNA Repair. Int J Mol Sci 17(10):1609.
  19. Iki T, Tschopp MA, Voinnet O (2017) Biochemical and genetic functional dissection of the P38 viral suppressor of RNA silencing. RNA 23(5):639–654.
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  21. Kaishima M et al. (2016) Expression of varied GFPs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: codon optimization yields stronger than expected expression and fluorescence intensity. Sci Rep 6:35932.
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  23. Koreny L, Field M (2016) Ancient eukaryotic origin and evolutionary plasticity of nuclear lamina. Genome Biol Evol ePub ahead of print.
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  26. Liu TY, Ivarone AT, Doudna JA (2017) RNA and DNA Targeting by a Reconstituted Thermus thermophilus Type III-A CRISPR-Cas System. PLoS One 12(1):e0170552.
  27. Lucas JE, Siegel JB (2015) Quantitative functional characterization of conserved molecular interactions in the active site of mannitol 2-dehydrogenase. Protein Sci 24 (6):936–945.
  28. Minao JM, Zhu QM, Lowenstein CJ (2016) A CRISPR Path to Engineering New Genetic Mouse Models for Cardiovascular Research. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 36(6):1058–75.
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  36. Parsons JB, Frank MW, Eleveld MJ et al. (2014) A thioesterase bypasses the requirement for exogenous fatty acids in the plsX deletion ofStreptococcuspneumonia. Mol Microbiol ePub ahead of print.
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  48. Schep R et al. (2016) Control of Hoxd gene transcription in the mammary bud by hijacking a preexisting regulatory landscape. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 113(48):E7720-E7729.
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  50. Seitz P, Pezeshgi Modarres H, Borgeaud S et al. (2014) ComEA is essential for the transfer of external DNA into the periplasm in naturally transformable Vibrio choleracells. PLoS Genet 10(1):e1004066.
  51. Sheppard MJ et al. (2016) Modular and selective biosynthesis of gasoline-range alkanes. Metabolic Engineering 33:28–40.
  52. Smith SJ et al. (2016) The cardiac-restricted protein ADP-ribosylhydrolase-like 1 is essential for heart chamber outgrowth and acts on muscle actin filament assembly. Dev Biol ePub ahead of print.
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  55. Vences-Guzmán MA et al. (2017) 1,2-Diacylglycerol choline phosphotransferase catalyzes the final step in the unique Treponemadenticola phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis pathway. Mol Microbiol 103(5):896–912.
  56. Vyas S, Matic I, Uchima L et al. (2014) Family-wide analysis of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase activity. Nature Commun 5:4426.
  57. Walczak MP et al. (2016) Directed differentiation of human iPSC into insulin producing cells is improved by induced expression of PDX1 and NKX6.1 factors in IPC progenitors. J Transl Med 14(1):341.
  58. Wen X et al. (2017) Structural basis for antibody cross-neutralization of respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus. Nat Microbiol 2:16272.
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  60. Wright O, Delmans M, Stan GB et al. (2014) GeneGuard: a modular plasmid system designed for biosafetyACS Synth Biol ePub ahead of print.
  61. Zimmer SE et al. (2016) Splice form-dependent regulation of axonal arbor complexity by FMRP. Dev Neurobiol, ePub ahead of print.
