One resource for all your protein biology support needs. Browse each support center below to obtain relevant technical information, tips & tricks when starting an experiment, and troubleshooting help for everyday problems.

Find support on the following topics:

  • Protein Assays and Quantitation 
  • Protein IP, Co-IP, and Pulldown 
  • ELISA Kits and Antibody Pairs 
  • Luminex Assays 
  • Protein-Protein Interactions 
  • Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions 
  • Protein Microarrays 
  • Reporter Gene Assays 
  • Protein and Enzyme Activity Assays 
  • Protein Labeling, Crosslinking, and Modification 
  • Mass Spectrometry Reagents
  • Western Blotting 
  • Western Blot Detection

Find support on the following topics:

  • Protein Gel 1D Electrophoresis 
  • Protein Gel 2D Electrophoresis 
  • Specialized Protein Gels 
  • Protein Electrophoresis Chambers & Power Supplies 
  • Protein Stains 
  • Protein Standards and Ladders 
  • Western Blotting 
  • Western Blot Detection

Find support on the following topics:

  • Protein Expression Basics 
  • Basic Mammalian Expression 
  • Reporter & Specialty Vectors for Mammalian Expression 
  • Mammalian Expression for High-Yield Protein Production 
  • Mammalian Expression for Membrane Protein Production 
  • Lentiviral Gene Delivery for Mammalian Expression 
  • Adenoviral Gene Delivery for Mammalian Expression 
  • Cell-Free Expression 
  • Bacterial Expression 
  • Insect Expression 
  • Yeast Expression 
  • Algae Expression

Find support on the following topics:

  • Cell Lysis and Fractionation 
  • Protein Dialysis, Desalting, and Concentration 
  • Protein Purification 
  • Protein IP, Co-IP, and Pulldown
