
Bovine herd outbreaks can be an economic devastation to farms and their local food supplies. Applied Biosystems branded solutions offer fast, scalable, and accurate performance to ensure that you can stay ahead of any pathogenic outbreak and take action quickly to ensure the safety of the rest of the herd. Our qPCR and ELISA solutions are world-renowned and have been trusted by our customers for over 100 years.

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Bovine diagnostic solutions

Check out an extensive list of solutions we provide for protection of your herd from bovine diseases, including solutions for the detection of Bluetongue virus, Paratuberculosis/Johne’s disease, Q-fever, and many more.

Being able to properly identify and monitor diseases of dairy cattle is an important step in preventing side effects. Most diseases can be easily tested for. Once the cause is identified, a plan can be made for control, eradication, or prevention.

Repeated abortions in a herd or flock are a dramatic event for farmers and can have a severe economic impact on farming operations. The vast number of potential infectious agents makes fast and accurate diagnosis a challenge.

Because bovine mastitis can cause significant losses, farmers and herd managers need quick diagnostic results so they can take fast and appropriate action. Our qPCR solutions provide same-day results.

The presence of FMD is a significant economic threat to the livelihood of the livestock industry due to the resulting culling of herds and restriction on meat exports from affected areas. Domesticated species, cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats are susceptible to FMD.Repeated abortions in a herd or flock are a dramatic event for farmers and can have a severe economic impact on farming operations. The vast number of potential infectious agents makes fast and accurate diagnosis a challenge.

An outbreak of bTB can contribute to significant economic consequences as a result of reduced milk yields, culling of herds, and restrictions on meat exports from affected areas. Our bTB portfolio provides the only source for all official OIE-prescribed bTB tests.

Johne’s disease, or paratuberculosis, is a worldwide animal health problem affecting ruminants. It is caused by infection with Myobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis (MAP). The presence of the disease can have serious production-limiting consequences and may cause significant economic loss in herds.

The BVD virus is a small, single-stranded RNA virus belonging to the genus Pestivirus. Applied Biosystems is committed to staying ahead of the curve developing diagnostic solutions for this virus.

For Veterinary Use Only. For In Vitro Use Only. Regulatory requirements vary by country; products may not be available in your geographic area.