
Understanding the demands of wine safety testing can be a complex task for the laboratory with the numerous analytes and residues to monitor.

Our separation and detection technologies, combined with experienced applications competence and our best suited chemistries, provide ideal solutions for the analysis of wine.

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Featured application notes

Alcoholic Beverages Application Notebook

Leading capabilities in liquid chromatography (LC), ion chromatography (IC), and sample preparation are brought together in this portfolio. Applications include: inorganic ions, organic acids, biogenic amines, glycols, alcohols and carbohydrates.

Analyte Guru blog posts

Are there dyes in your wine?

It shouldn't be a blind test! Occasionally, I like to put on a blind wine tasting party for my friends in which I disguise several bottles of wine that cover the range from cheap to expensive and have everyone taste them all with me and record our impressions.

Food and Beverage Resource Library

Access a targeted collection of scientific application notes, case studies, videos, webinars and white papers for food microbiology, manufacturing and processing, beverage testing, analytical testing, and authenticity information.

