LCMS Targeted Quantitation Food and Environmental Safety Workflow Solutions
LCMS targeted quantitation food and environmental safety workflow solutions

In the last decade, the number of pesticides used to ensure the safety of our food and water has grown significantly, and the nature of pesticides and food matrices are becoming increasingly more complex. Quantitation of hundreds of pesticides in food matrices or contaminants in drinking and surface water require easy-to-implement workflow solutions leveraging LC-MS/MS technology. Learn how new generation triple quadrupole MS enable every analytical laboratory to achieve better and more confident data to address challenges in environmental and food safety.

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Enable food safety and environmental testing to address regulatory requirements with ease using mass spectrometry

Enable food safety and environmental testing to address regulatory requirements with ease using mass spectrometry
Robust performance to maximize uptime
 Click image to enlarge
Excellent quantitative performance at low dwell times
Monitor more compounds per unit timeMonitor more compounds per unit time
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Monitor more compounds per unit time
Excellent quantitative performance at low dwell times
 Click image to enlarge
Robust performance to maximize uptime


Targeted quantitation is evolving with every passing day. From achieving scientific and business goals, addressing complexities of molecules to those of matrices, and ensuring ease-of-use to address regulatory requirements—today’s challenges in targeted quantitation are more than just quantifying targeted analytes.
