From Ct analysis of your real-time PCR gene expression experiments, to allele cluster analysis of TaqMan® SNP Assay data, to CNV copy number determination, to HRM-curve generation, we create software that enables you to easily analyze data from your real-time PCR instrument. And all of our analysis tools have been optimized for use with TaqMan® Assays on Applied Biosystems® real-time PCR research use instruments.


Applied Biosystems gene expression analysis

DataAssist Software
DataAssist™ Software is a free, easy-to-use data analysis tool that utilizes the Comparative Ct (ΔΔCt) method to rapidly and accurately quantitate relative gene expression across a large number of genes and samples.

ExpressionSuite Software
 ExpressionSuite™ Software is a free, easy-to-use data-analysis tool that utilizes the comparative Ct (ΔΔCt) method to rapidly and accurately quantify relative gene expression across a large number of genes and samples.

Applied Biosystems genotyping analysis

TaqMan Genotyper Software
TaqMan® Genotyper Software is a free SNP genotyping data analysis tool for use with TaqMan® SNP Genotyping Assays (Predesigned, Custom & DME) in 48-, 96- & 384-well microtiter plates, and TaqMan® OpenArray™ Genotyping Plates.
CopyCaller Software
CopyCaller™ Software is a free, easy-to-use software package for assigning target copy number based on data generated using TaqMan® Copy Number Assays.
AlleleTyper Software
AlleleTyper™ Software is a free and easy online tool that is used to determine the haplotypes of your samples. AlleleTyper Software will analyze your Genotyper and CopyCaller data in just a few quick steps to determine the star-allele results for your study based on your specifications.
High Resolution Melt (HRM) Software,
an Applied Biosystems Analysis Module

High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis is a post-PCR analysis method used to identify variation in nucleic acid sequences. The Applied Biosystems™ HRM Analysis Module is part of a fast, powerful, flexible online data analysis solution that provides an online tool kit for analysis of qPCR data.
High Resolution Melt (HRM) Software v3.1
High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis is a post-PCR analysis method used to identify variation in nucleic acid sequences. High Resolution Melt Software v3.1 is an all-new and improved tool for analyzing HRM data.This desktop software can be used with the Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 3, QuantStudio™ 5, StepOnePlus™, and 7500 Fast instruments.
High Resolution Melt (HRM) Softwarev3.0
High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis is a post-PCR analysis method used to identify variation in nucleic acid sequences. High Resolution Melt Software v3.0 is an all-new and improved tool for analyzing HRM data.
High Resolution Melt (HRM) Software v2.0
NOTE: v2.0 is onlyfor use with the Applied Biosystems™ 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR Instrument.
High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis is a post-PCR analysis method used to identify variation in nucleic acid sequences.
TaqMan Mutation Detection Software
This free tool determines the mutation status and percent mutation in samples run with castPCR™ powered TaqMan® Mutation Detection Assays.

Applied Biosystems real-time PCR primer and probe design

Primer Express Software
Primer Express™ Software helps you design real-time PCR primers and probes for allele (SNP) discrimination and quantitation of gene expression using TaqMan® probe and SYBR™ Green I dye detection.

TaqMan protein assay analysis

ProteinAssist Software
A free tool for analysis of data generated using TaqMan® Protein Assays. The software quickly calculates relative quantities of target proteins.

Protein Thermal Shift Software
In order to meet the data analysis requirements of protein melt experiments, Protein Thermal Shift Software was developed for analysis of protein melt fluorescent readings directly from Applied Biosystems™ real-time PCR instrument files.  The software makes it easy for researchers to quickly compare the shift in Tm between different assay conditions or ligands to a reference sample,  providing a tool to screen and identify conditions that stabilize (or destabilize) a protein or ligand that binds to the protein of interest.

Applied Biosystems presence/absence analysis

Presence/Absence Analysis Software,
an Applied Biosystems Analysis Module 
Presence/absence experiments are endpoint experiments in which data are collected at the end of the PCR process and reactions are characterized by the quantity of target accumulated at the end of PCR.

The Applied Biosystems™ Presence/Absence Analysis Module is part of a fast, powerful, flexible online data analysis solution that provides an online tool kit for analysis of qPCR data.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.