Battery manufacturing with unprecedented coating QA

The Thermo Scientific LInspector Edge In-line Mass Profilometer is a next generation process metrology tool for battery manufacturing that sets a new benchmark for electrode coating QA. It measures 100% of a coated electrode in real-time, without scanning and with no moving parts. Both full-width basis weight and profile uniformity analysis are provided by simultaneously gathering spatial information and coating weight data. These capabilities are complemented by unprecedented precision and the ability to capture data at full production speeds, producing high resolution images, rather than data from the spot measurements produced by conventional basis weight gauges traversing across the sheet width.  The net result is orders of magnitude – 1000X – more coating profile weight data than with conventional gauges and the detection of non-uniformities that other technologies miss. With the LInspector Edge In-line Mass Profilometer, battery manufacturers have the most secure foundation for exemplary, responsive, and accurate process control and the ability to safeguard the very highest levels of quality and performance

  • 100% electrode mass loading inspection
  • Enable responsive, advanced process control
  • Complete traceability for quality assurance

100% electrode mass loading inspection

The LInspector Edge In-line Mass Profilometer allows battery manufacturers to take real control of their electrode coating quality. Capable of operating at high production speeds, it measures 100% of the coated electrode in real-time delivering 1000X more mass loading uniformity data not available with scanning gauges. This information-rich data is used to catch small defects early in the process in time for effective remedial action and helps battery manufacturers to:

  • Reduce scrap rates
  • Reduce time to market
  • Improve process understanding and product performance

Enable responsive, advanced process control

Electrode coating weight and profile uniformity is vital to maintain the quality and safety of lithium-ion batteries, and the LInspector Edge In-line Mass Profilometer helps manufacturers to meet specifications while maximizing process efficiency. It delivers a full coating profile every 3 millimeters providing the fastest measurement feedback which means quicker, better-informed, and more accurate control decisions. This enables swifter start-up and accelerated product transitions to reduce scrap and increase throughput.

Complete traceability for quality assurance

It is vital to ensure that the quality of battery components is maintained throughout the manufacturing process. Even small defects can have serious implications for the safety and performance of the battery. Therefore, battery manufacturers need to implement a system of complete traceability that allows them to identify defects early in the process and trace them back to the source.


Traceability of an entire electrode roll is finally possible with the LInspector Edge In-line Mass Profilometer through complete coating uniformity measurements for the entire production run, in the form of easily accessible, high-resolution images. This new mass profilometry technology can deliver visibility of the entire life cycle of every electrode roll with valuable data to quickly spot production issues or trends allowing battery manufacturers to make proactive improvements to optimize the production process for maximum efficiency.

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