A13691-01 CHO-S

Gibco™ products offer an integrated stable cell line development solution to simply the workflow and accelerate development to commercial manufacture. We offer cGMP compliant cell line products for customers that would like to perform the work in-house or customized programs for customers looking for an outsourcing solution.

Productos de desarrollo de líneas de células estables de CHO que cumplen las cGMP

Freedom™ Cell Line Development Kits

Freedom Cell Line Development kits are easy-to-use, beginning to end kits for stable production cell line cloning and expression of your protein of interest in CHO-derived suspension culture.

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cGMP Cell Lines

Let our process sciences staff assist you with vector construction and development of customized transient and stable cell lines. We work with a  variety of cell lines and have extensive experience with ClonePix™ FL Molecular Devices and SimCell™ Bioprocessors technologies.

cGMP CHO Parental Cell Lines

We offer access to well characterized and regulatory friendly host cell lines for the development of robust and scalable expression systems

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Servicios de desarrollo de líneas celulares

Ofrecemos programas personalizados mediante líneas de células anfitrionas que cumplen las cGMP y flujos de trabajo libres de origen animal (AOF) para ofrecer clones estables en un período de entre 4 y 6 meses, todos con un acceso de inmunoprecipitación (IP) sin precedentes.

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