Microplate Assays for Cell Proliferation

Cell proliferation analyses are crucial for cell growth and differentiation studies, and are often used to evaluate both compound toxicity and inhibition of tumor cell growth during drug development. Proliferation measurements in microplate assays are typically based on average DNA content or cellular metabolism, or they quantify DNA synthesis.

Measure DNA content

CyQUANT cell proliferation assays provide an accurate microplate-based fluorescence method for counting cells in a population, based on cellular DNA content. Because cellular DNA content is highly regulated, the CyQUANT assay can be used at multiple time points to calculate the average proliferation rate of a cell population. Binding of the CyQUANT dye to DNA is independent of metabolic state, so signal windows and fluorescence intensities can be compared across a range of conditions and cell types.

A variety of CyQUANT assay formats provide options for different workflows, including multi-day and endpoint assays for total cell numbers and assays for live cells.

Measure New DNA synthesis

Measuring the synthesis of new DNA is a precise way to assay cell proliferation in individual cells or in cell populations. The Click-iT EdU assay measures the rate of new DNA synthesis based on incorporation of the nucleoside analog EdU into the newly synthesized DNA in live cells. Detection is achieved through a copper-catalyzed “click” reaction that is typically completed within 30 minutes.

The Click-iT Plus EdU Microplate Assay is optimized for microplate fluorescence analysis:

  • HTS compatible—Simple and rapid workflow
  • Mild reaction conditions—Compatible with a range of fluorescence multiplex options
  • Signal enhancement—Amplex UltraRed-amplified signal (568/585, ex/em)

Learn more about the Click-iT EdU Microplate Cell Proliferation Assay

Expertly detect fluorescence with Thermo Scientific plate readers

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High-sensitivity fluorescence detection for 6-1,536 samples can be quickly performed on the Varioskan ALF or Varioskan LUX Multimode Microplate Reader using Invitrogen reagents to enable optimal detection. Take advantage of automatic dynamic range selection to get optimal gain settings for each individual well and automation capabilities for even higher throughput.

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