
GeneArt Seamless Cloning and Assembly enables cloning of up to 4 DNA fragments simultaneously into virtually any linearized vector in 30 minutes, without extra DNA sequences, restriction endonucleases or ligation.

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GeneArt seamless cloning and assembly

The GeneArt Seamless Cloning and Assembly Enzyme mix, the GeneArt Seamless Cloning and Assembly Kit, and the GeneArt Seamless PLUS Cloning and Assembly kit enable cloning of DNA fragments into virtually any linearized vector, without extra sequences, or restriction endonuclease digestion and ligation. The proprietary enzyme mix recognizes and precisely assembles the DNA fragments sharing at least 15-base pair (bp) end homology created by PCR amplification in a simple ~30 minute room temperature reaction. The DNA Oligo Designer guides users through experimental design. Learn more about the differences between these kits here

GeneArt Seamless Cloning and Assembly Kits work great together with GeneArt Strings DNA Fragments. This service offers custom-made DNA fragments up to 3,000 bp ready for cloning and assembly and shipped in only 5-8 business days.

Expert vector construction

Leader in multiple fragment assembly efficiency

Reliable and easy to use

Achieving optimal cloning efficiency

Get started now

Eliminate complicated, frustrating traditional cloning methods and begin high efficiency cloning of multiple DNA fragments today!

DNA Oligo Designer for GeneArt Seamless Cloning

Design PCR primers to create end-terminal homology between your adjacent DNA fragments

New to GeneArt cloning, assembly and mutagenesis?

Watch our video: How to create a genetic element or construct