The best balance of high yield and reproducibility with low nonspecific binding

Invitrogen Dynabeads products have, by far, more publication references than any other product for immunoprecipitation using magnetic beads. Now IP automation protocols are available for Dynabeads products used with the Thermo Scientific KingFisher instruments. These protocols are program extension files (.bdz format) for the BindIt Software that runs on KingFisher instruments.

Get protocols optimized for KingFisher

Protocol files are now available for the following Dynabeads products:

Video: Automated Immunoprecipitation in 40 min using Dynabeads and KingFisher Flex

For IP, KingFisher instruments with Dynabeads offer the best balance of high yield and reproducibility with low nonspecific binding and cost, which is why they have become the gold standard for immunoprecipitation using magnetic beads.

Designed for automation

Intrinsic features of the Dynabeads make them perfectly suited for automation. All beads are identical in size, shape, surface properties and iron content - both within and between batches. The beads disperse well and sediment slowly, yet move quickly and with an even pull to the magnet. This facilitates rapid target binding, short incubation and separation times. No mixing or stirring is necessary. Dynabeads do not aggregate, ensuring homogenous fluid behavior in automated systems - without any blocking or clogging of pipette tips. Dynabeads are a pipettable solid-phase which handles like a liquid!

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.