Scientists make critical decisions every day based on DNA sequence information from targeted regions in the genome. The reliability of these decisions depends on the accuracy of the resequencing data.

Sequencing Solutions for Every Question

  • Accuracy—confidently detect variations in a sample
  • Scale—detect a point variation in a single amplicon or every the variants in an entire exome
  • User-friendly—optimized workflows, reagents, and platforms for your resequencing research application
  • Throughput—platforms that give you the flexibility to sequence one sample or multiplex hundreds of samples in
    a single run

No matter what your question, Life Technologies has a sequencing platform and research application workflow that will answer it. Find the best solution for your needs:

Targeted Sequencing
Target regions can be as small as a single exon, or as large as the entire exome (all the protein coding regions of the genome), or as complex as all of the genes and regulatory regions associated with a particular pathway.
 Resequencing for Heterozygote Detection
Identifying heterozygous base positions or small insertions or deletions in genomic DNA is often employed to locate mutations or polymorphisms in diploid organisms, detect genetic rearrangements, and uncover rare variants.
Mitochondrial Sequencing
Mutations in mitochondrial DNA have been linked to diabetes and aging, as well as the development of certain cancers. Mitochondrial DNA resequencing is therefore a useful tool for researchers looking to better understand these diseases.
 Microbial Sequencing
Microbial sequencing can be used in a wide variety of applications and encompasses directed resequencing of a few bases all the way through to population analysis of a metagenome.
Pathogen Sequencing
Infectious diseases can be caused by bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic microorganisms and contributes to millions of deaths each year.
Visistat reference component