Resequencing specific genomic regions is commonly performed to identify the mutations and changes in genes associated with various clinically significant conditions. Resequencing techniques can be focused on known mutations (genotyping) or used to search for any mutation in the target DNA region (variant analysis).

Complete Solution for Your Medium- and Small-Scale Resequencing Projects

The Applied Biosystems® Genetic Analyzers, along with the BigDye® Direct Cycle Sequencing Kits, the BigDye XTerminator® Purification Kit and our Variant Reporter® Software 1.1, and SeqScape® Software provide a complete solution for resequencing. This complete system allows for:

  • High-quality, high-resolution data
  • Minimal hands-on time with a fully automated system
  • Reduced cost per sample
  • Flexible configuration to meet all your research needs
  • Seamless integration with the analysis software